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Letters either commenting on stories we have published, or raising issues relevant to Catholics.

Letter: Prison Service Changes

Brendan O'Friel with his Prison Governor's Journal

Dear ICN, I write to be sure you have noticed the remarkable start the new Government has made towards tacking the problems of the prisons - about which I continue to have a deep interest and concern. You may be aware that on 25th June the Prison Governors Association had written an open letter to all the political parties highlighting and explaining the prison crisis and asking all parties to pre... Read More

Letter: Fr Shay Cullen's report on threats to journalism

Thank you for publishing 'Fr Shay Cullen: True freedom is to reveal the truth without retaliation' - - Jun 30th, 2024 It's so important that he highlighted the shocking treatment of Julian Assange, incarcerated for so many years for telling the truth, and the dangers faced by media workers around the world, especially in the Philippines. We mustn't forge... Read More

Your review of Dignitas Infinita

Dear ICN, As a service to Catholics, I am appalled at the one-sided and frankly denigratory review of the recent Vatican document Dignitas Infinita. Unfinished Dignity: Some Reflections On Dignitas Infinita - The whole tone of your correspondent is condescending and almost sneering. As someone involved in education as my footer may show, the clear doctrin... Read More

An open letter to Willie Pye RIP

Dear Willie I feel the need to write to you posthumously after your execution to remember our friendship and companionship over 13 years. It was the organisation 'Lifelines' that put us in touch and we used to correspond regularly after that. I was sorry that I could not meet you in person but I knew from the start that you were a generous and warm hearted person. We used to share our joys and... Read More

Letter from young mother in Khan Younis refugee camp

Image: Nadia K

Nadia, who has written for us in the past, is a young widow with small children and a sick mother. She has been forced to move several since Israel's onslaught on Gaza began five months ago. The family are now in a desperately overcrowded camp - with the continuous noise of drones and planes overhead and sounds of explosions all night. She writes: Do you know what it means to live in a tent?! Thi... Read More

How do you think Palestinians feel

Suheir Zeidan

Have you ever wondered how Palestinians both in Palestine and in the diaspora feel about the ongoing ethnic cleansing ? How Palestinians perceive the dehumanization perpetuated not only by their colonizers but also by the western media, and some governments around the world granting apartheid Israel carte blanche and impunity to continue their war crimes against the Palestinian people? Have you co... Read More

Letter from Friends House, Moscow

Dear Friends, Christmas greetings from Friends House Moscow. Here is a link to our latest newsletter, now available on our website: Newsletter Winter 2023 - Friends House Moscow To read it, click on the "DOWNLOAD" button. From here you can save a copy, or print it, or just read it online. As you will see, we are currently operating in several countries: Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and Armenia. We ... Read More

Letter re closure of St John the Baptist church, Ilford

Dear Editor, On Gaudete Sunday (December 17th) the theme of which expresses the joy of anticipation at the approach of the Christmas celebration, the parishioners of St John the Baptist, Ilford are again devastated by the news that Mass on Christmas Eve wil be the last Mass at the Church - and told to us not in person but via newsletter. This is highly insensitive, particularly at this time of yea... Read More

Help us save lives in Gaza

Image: MAP

Dear Readers The situation in Gaza, right now, is desperate. Israeli forces have now entered Gaza, encircling Gaza City. They continue their massive, indiscriminate bombardment and nowhere in Gaza is safe. More than a million people have been internally displaced, and a total siege has cut us off from essential supplies. Sleeping, eating is very difficult. We don't even have clean water to drink.... Read More

Call for church leaders in Britain to speak up over Gaza

We are Christians who believe that God has been definitely revealed as having a preferential option for the poor and oppressed. We believe that Christians are called to reflect that preferential option in our lives and proclamation. With this in mind, we stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza. We condemn utterly the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and in particular the killing of civilians. We have ... Read More

Those Who Mourn

Fr Paul Abernathy

We share with you the following worlds from Fr Paul Abernathy, of the FOSNA Board of Trustees: We Orthodox Christians have for days heard of and seen the courageous witness of St Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza. We have seen this community in prayer as they offer comfort, shelter, and refuge to Palestinians who are suffering from indiscriminate Israeli military aggression as well as from the hu... Read More

Response to Laudate Deum

Photo by David Dolenc on Unsplash

Dear Editor, Those of us who had hoped for the Update to Laudato Si' - Laudato Deum - to at last bring animals to the forefront of discussions on the environmental crises were very disappointed. Animals got barely a mention, and animal agriculture not a whisper. The story of mankind's exploitation and enslavement of animals goes back to the dawn of civilisation right up to this moment when we are ... Read More

Letter: Future of Catholic Schools and Academies - ASKING PARENTS

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Thanks for today's useful article (ICN - 21 September 2023: Reflection on academisation of Catholic schools ) I may have missed any reference to ASKING PARENTS - the first educators - what they think! Or even older pupils. In a synodal church where we are bidden to LISTEN not just to the voice of the magisterium but the whole people of God in seeking to ... Read More

Letter: Not all schools want to join Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Dear Editor Re: ICN 15 April 2023 Conference for Catholic Multi Academy Trusts I should say first of all that I do value greatly the daily email from the Independent Catholic News and I have never previously found any of the articles problematic. However, today's item, which was effectively promoting the conference for Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts, included a statement that is highly likely to be... Read More

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