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Poetry by Catholic writers, or that deals with subjects and themes of interest to Catholics.

A selection of Christmas carols and poems from Lord Alton

Lord Alton

Together with his seasonal greetings this year, the Catholic Independent Crossbench Life Peer, Lord David Alton, has shared a selection of beautiful Christmas carols and poems in his Christmas email. Lord Alton writes: Wishing you the happiest of Christmases and a peaceful and productive new year. Enjoy: John Rutter's Shepherd's Pipe Carol: & https:/... Read More

Poem: Christ is Born

Image courtesy Sister Joan Kerley, FMSJ

Do not fear that I am missing in the chaos and the rubble. I was born there. It is my home. My parents told me of the arduous journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be counted. A whim of a dictator. Do the numbers change when people move? Soldiers marching by screaming:" Move Now!" Brandishing whips and swords. Who cares if a few die on the way? Less to count. Less to revolt. Do not fear that I am ... Read More

Poem: Stir Up Sunday

Canon Robin Gibbons writes: Traditionally the Sunday before Advent was called 'Stir up Sunday' words taken from the opening phrase of the Collect. Families would gather to stir together all the ingredients for the Christmas Pudding, often making a silent wish as they did. The mixture was then put aside to await the long boil for Christmas Dinner! Stir up in us Lord of joy Our good Host of that ... Read More

Poetry as Revelation?

'A work of art always has something sacred about it' This quote from Hans-Georg Gadamer forms the starting point of the autumn 2024 issue of Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, which considers the parallels between the transcendence and ontological insights poetry can offer with that of theology and prayer. The focus is primarily on the writings and work of Séamus Heaney in a series of five comme... Read More

Manchester: Caritas Salford presents exhibition of poster poems

Caritas Salford will be presenting an innovative new exhibition: A Place at the Table, at the Inspire Gallery at HOME, in 2 Tony Wilson Place, Manchester M15 4FN from Monday 9 September - Sunday 1 December. Working collaboratively with poet Phil Davenport and artist Christine Johnson, this exhibition features poster poems by people from Manchester during the cost-of-living crisis, especially ... Read More

Prayer poem for Feast of the Assumption

The Apostles Witness the Assumption of St Mary

The Assumption/ Dormition of Our Lady Saint Mary, Mother of Jesus Gentle Lady Mary, sister of us all We celebrate that day When your earthly life ended in our human death Not in total sorrow, not in unending grief For the resurrection of your son Touched this longest sleep we shall all ever have That of your darkened dreaming And so in resting peace You too awoke to see your son Who drew you clo... Read More

The Birds of Gaza

Image ICN/JS

Waiting to join the March for Gaza in London last Saturday, I encountered a beautiful woman in front of the Albert Memorial. She held a baby in swaddling clothes under one arm, and with the other she was launching a dove of blue and gold, with a piercing golden eye. The beautiful woman was in fact a life-size picture. Alongside her was a line on which the children present had drawn birds. I was v... Read More

London: Hundreds attend evening of poetry for Palestine

Nandita Dowson

There was standing room only at Cafe Palestina in Kentish Town, north London on Friday, when the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, (CADFA) hosted an open mic evening of Poetry for Palestine. There were some wonderful contributions by poets of several different faiths and nationalities. An American Jewish writer, opened his powerful poem with: 'Soldiers on TikTok, dancing on death .... with gl... Read More

London: Poetry for Palestine

Poetry for Palestine takes place next Friday, 26th January at 6.30pm in Café Palestina, Kentish Town, north London. Organised by Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, (Cadfa) there will be an Open Mic - bring a poem, song, other contribution The evening is a fundraiser for Medical Aid for Palestinians. - Entry by donation £5 minimum. Café Palestina is at 53 Fortess Road, NW5 1AD. Nearest tube... Read More

Poem: Let's Suppose

Image: ICN/JS

Let's suppose that the woman in the blue headscarf and dress, helped by her spouse, walks the dusty road - no donkey - rooms, inns and stables a mess Of rubble - to the hospital ruins - no crib and no bed - where, unto her, a son is born. Let's suppose that shepherds watch their fields and olive groves bulldozed, and quake at the bright sky flashes that break homes. They cannot pass through the hi... Read More

Roger McGough to read at Pact's London Advent Carol Service

Roger McGough. Wiki Image

Rogerr McGough, one of Britain's best-loved poets and presenter of BBC Radio's Poetry Please, will be reading some of his work at Pact's Advent Carol Service in London next. week. Roger has been a great friend to Pact. His poem 'Everything Touches' brought hope to people inside, as part of a Pact National Prison Radio programme during the pandemic. Rt Rev Richard Moth, Liaison Bishop for Prisons, ... Read More

Poem: At the school gate

Fr David O'Malley has published Charles Causley's powerful poem in his blog this week, reflecting on the start of the new school term. Timothy Winters comes to school With eyes as wide as a football-pool, Ears like bombs and teeth like splinters: A blitz of a boy is Timothy Winters. His belly is white, his neck is dark, And his hair is an exclamation-mark. His clothes are enough to scare a ... Read More

A Poem for All Souls Day

Photo by Yulia Gadalina on Unsplash

So what is heaven? In each year's eleventh month we ask: so what is heaven? (And on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour reply: An end to war, at least!) We ask this not abstractly but from the place of loss. Unlike the case of Christ, we don't proclaim the death of those we've loved to be the source of life; yet we profess their resurrection, too. The Afterlife is, as seen from here, an act of t... Read More

London: Joy and Justice Peace and Poetry!

Sarah de Nordwall

Come and enjoy the inspiration and refreshment that true tales and life enhancing poems can bring with a unique evening with Sarah de Nordwall and the company of bards at Farm Street Church this evening. Sarah has performed at the House of Lords and at venues from Transylvania to Pennsylvania and was the unofficial performance poet in residence at BBC Worldwide and winner of the Wild Words Poetry ... Read More

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