Prayer poem for Feast of the Assumption

The Apostles Witness the Assumption of St Mary
The Assumption/ Dormition of Our Lady Saint Mary, Mother of Jesus
Gentle Lady Mary, sister of us all
We celebrate that day
When your earthly life ended in our human death
Not in total sorrow, not in unending grief
For the resurrection of your son
Touched this longest sleep we shall all ever have
That of your darkened dreaming
And so in resting peace
You too awoke to see your son
Who drew you closer to him
In the embrace of glory.
Holy Mary, Mother of Christ,
Where you have gone with him
So too must we all
But not in fear, only in the aloneness of hope
For your Dormition
Is also the sleep of all the Just
May we like you awake
To see the shining light
That is our first sight in the Kingdom
Of the dear face of your son Jesus.