Forthcoming Events
For details of parishes, Masses, Prayer Resources and other events online see:
Booking now: Religious Life Discernment Weekend in Rome with Sisters of the Assumption
Deadline for registering 20th January 2025
For details see:
Tuesday 14 January 10am
Rome: The Lassus Scholars to sing in St Paul's outside the Walls Basilica
Music Programme to include: W A Mozart. Coronation Mass K.317 - with orchestra.
Motets: Also Mozart's Laudate Dominum and Ave Verum.
Celebrant: His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Müller
Wednesday 15 January 3pm.
Rome: The Lassus Scholars to sing in St Mary Major Basilica
Music Programme to include: Missa Papae Marcelli - G. P. da Palestrina.
Motets: Bruckner: Ave Maria; Victoria: O Magnum mysterium.
Celebrant: His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah
Thursday 16 January 3.30pm
Rome: The Lassus Scholars to sing in St John Lateran Basilica
Music Programme to include: Missa Deus in adjutorium - Orlande de Lassus
Motets: Cibavit eos & Ego sum panis vivus (Orlande de Lassus) and Byrd: Ave verum
Celebrant: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke
16 January - 3 March
Liverpool Cathedral: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Friday 17 January 10am
Rome: The Lassus Scholars to sing in St Peter's Basilica
Music Programme to include: Missa Certa fortiter - Orlande de Lassus
Motets: Justorum animae & Beati quorum via (Charles Villiers Stanford 1852-1924, born in Dublin).
Celebrant: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke
Saturday 18 January from 10.30am -12noon
CAFOD online Jubilee Event: A Year of Hope
Introduction to Jubilee with Fr Jan Nowotnik (Director of Mission for the Catholic Bishop's Conference), Christine Allen (CAFOD's Director) and Kayode Akintola (CAFOD's Head of Africa). Co-hosts Nana Churcher (Catholic talkshow host and author) , and CAFOD's Simon Giarchi will lead you with prayers, reflections and music from Ooberfuse (and so much more!), to help you celebrate Jubilee and explore how to be a tangible sign of hope throughout this holy year.
Register here for free:
Saturday 18 January 2025 from 11am - 2pm.
Study Day: Understanding Islam
Online and in-person See:
Saturday 18 January 12 noon
London: National March for Palestine
The Christian Bloc will meet for prayers at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, WC2H8EP, before joining the National March.
Saturday - Saturday 18-25 January
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with Churches for Middle East Peace
Online reflections see:
Peace Sunday 19 January 11am
Liverpool: Mass for Peace at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon.
Followed by: 'A Mother's Forgiveness' - A talk by Gee Walker about the murder of her son Anthony, forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice in Metropolitan Catholic Cathedral Cathedral House Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5TQ
Light refreshments at 1pm talk starts at 1.30pm. This is a partnership event by Pax Christi and the Liverpool Justice and Peace Commission. For more details see:
Sunday 19 January 3pm
Southwark Cathedral: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Ecumenical Choral Vespers
Sung by Southwark Cathedral Choir and Choir of St George's Cathedral Southwark,
Preacher Canon Michael Branch, Dean of St George's
Monday 20 January 12.30pm-1.30pm
London: Home Office Vigil
2 Marsham St SW1
Monday 20 January from 6.30-8pm
Booking: Course on Laudate Si': Politics, Theology and Beyond
At the London Jesuit Centre, led by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce, will be held on five Mondays.
For more details and to book see:
Tuesday, 21 January, 3.30pm
London: The Pegasus Choir sings Choral Evensong for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
with Christians from around the City of London, Charterhouse Chapel, Charterhouse Square London - EC1M 6AN
All are welcome ! The Preacher will be the Rev Dr Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission and National Ecumenical Officer, Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Tuesday 21 January, 11am (ET)
Washington DC: Ecumenical Service of Prayer for the Nation as President is inaugurated
At Washington National Cathedral
Watch online:
Thursday 23 January 7pm
Guildford: Public lecture - Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Relearning the Art and Science of the Great Mediaeval Anglo-Franco Cathedrals, presented by Surrey Churches Preservation Trust
You can find out more and book here:
Tuesday, 21 January 5.30pm
London: The Pegasus Choir sings Choral Evensong for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
With Christians from around the City of London, Charterhouse Chapel, Charterhouse Square London - EC1M 6AN
All are welcome ! The Preacher will be the Rev Dr Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission and National Ecumenical Officer, Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Saturday 25 January 11am - 1.30pm GMT
Online: Zoom meeting: From Rome to Home: Next Steps for Synodality in Our Parishes
Tickets are available here:
Tuesday, 21 January 5.30pm
London: The Pegasus Choir sings Choral Evensong for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
with Christians from around the City of London, Charterhouse Chapel, Charterhouse Square London - EC1M 6AN
All are welcome ! The Preacher will be the Rev Dr Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission and National Ecumenical Officer, Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Saturday, 25 January 10 for 10.30am-4pm,
London: Beyond Synod 2024 - Discerning Practical Steps Forward
London Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, London W1K 3AH. ALL ARE WELCOME Light refreshments - Bring-&-Share Lunch
RSVP BEFORE 23 JANUARY 2025. / 020 8986 0807
Sunday 26 January, 4.30pm,
Southwark St George's RC Cathedral - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Southwark Cathedral team will lead Choral Evensong at St George's. Canon Kathryn Fleming, Precentor, will officiate and Canon Michael Rawson, Sub Dean & Pastor, will be preaching.
Friday 28 February - Sunday 2 March
WInchester: Festival of Faith and Literature.
A literary festival with a theological slant held in Winchester.
For more details see:
31 January - 2 February
Scripture weekend at Wistaston Hall, Crewe
Led by Fr Dominick Domagata OMI
The Story of the People of God is always identified with the three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Not always, though, we pause and reflect on how their wives influenced that journey of faith. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah were an important part of the history and events known nowadays as the History of Salvation.
Suggested Donation - £185 BOOK NOW! Tel: 01270 568 653 email:
Wednesday 5 February, 6pm
Youth Interfaith Summit.
Hosted by the Faith and Belief Forum and the London School of Economics Faith Centre, the Youth Interfaith Summit
is the largest youth-based interfaith gathering in the UK.Through expert speakers, workshops and networking, the summit will offer a space to think collaboratively about the role of faith in driving a more positive climate story for policy impact.
Thursday 6 February, 5.30pm
Being An Honorary Jesuit
London Jesuit Centre and Catholics in Labour working in partnership with Notre Dame School, Southwark; Richard Challoner School, Kingston; St Mary's University, Bishop Grosseteste University and the University of Birmingham online webinar. Rev Jim Wallis NY Times bestseller, Presidential Advisor and Professor at Georgetown will speak 'On being An Honorary Jesuit: Why A faith that does justice matters'. To book email
Thursday 6 February: Opening Doors to those affected by slavery and Trafficking Evening
via Zoom -- Brian O'Toole
Details at:
Tuesday 11 February 8.30pm - 10.30pm
London: Windborne at St Martin in the Fields
Crypt Close-Ups: Windborne - Music of Midwinter
Saturday, 15 February
Chilworth: Study morning on Fulton J Sheen, the Communicator
21 - 22 February
London: Word on Fire Ministries' first-ever conference on the Bible.
Join Bishop Barron at Evangelisation & Culture Conference
Saturday 1 March
ATCRE National RE Conference.
At St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in Kings Norton, Birmingham. Details can be found HERE.
7 March - 5 May
SOUTHWELL MINISTER: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Saturday 22 March, 11am
Romero Week. National Ecumenical Service
At St Martin in the Fields, London.
Monday 7 April: Opening Doors to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Evening meeting via zoom
Details at:
Saturday 16 April - Thursday 1 May
Jubilee 2025 for People with Disabilities.
Kairos event: Living fully with value and hope, in Rome. Accessible events, prayer, friendship and a morning with Pope Francis celebrating Jubilee 2025. For more information please email the Kairos Team,
Saturday 18 April, 12noon and 3.15pm
The Passion of Jesus
Supported by the Mayor of London, 100 Wintershall players bring their electric and moving portrayal of the final days of Jesus to this iconic location in the capital. The production is open air with visibility maximised using a large screen. There is a realistic interpretation of the crucifixion so parental guidance is advised. British sign language interpretation is provided. Book here.
Thursday 24- Friday 25 April
Theology and Integral Ecology: New Approaches to our Planetary Crisis.
Laudato' Si Research Institute conference at the University of Oxford. More information can be found here.
Tuesday 29 April
London: Faith at Work Summit
At Equinix House
Monday 5 May - May Day Bank Holiday
Annual Rally for Southwark Altar Servers
At The Friars, Aylesford Priory, Kent.
All are most welcome to attend, including anyone who wishes to 'Come and See', to learn more about serving in their parish. For more details see:
2-5 May
Cumbria: Craft Weekend at Boarbank Hall
For the full programme and more details, see:
9 May 30 June
ELY CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Threads through the Cross
Saturday 10 May: Opening Doors to a sustainable future for all people
Networking Day in London - NJPN Environment Group to facilitate the event at CAFOD's office in South London.
Details at:
12-17 May
Boarbank Hall to host Two Wings and Some Prayers
All our events combine talks, prayer, time outdoors and social time.
For more information, see: or email Sr Margaret Atkins on
Monday 2 June - Friday 6 June
Southwark Diocese Walking Pilgrimage to Aylesford
details to follow
Monday 9 June - all day event.
Religion Media Festival.
To be held at Westminster Central Hall. More information can be found here.
Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 June
G.R.A.C.E International Colloquium
The G.R.A.C.E International Colloquium will take place on 16-18 June 2025 at St Mary's University, Twickenham. The theme is: Mission and Identity in Catholic Education in the 21st Century: theory and practice. For more information, please contact the colloquium organisers, Professor John Lydon and Dr Caroline Healy,
3 July - 4 August
RIPON CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible Creation + Cross + Revelation
25 - 27 July - 'A Just Peace' - Challenging the inevitability of violence.
NJPN Conference at Swanwick in Derbyshire.
Details at:
7 August - 22 September
SHEFFIELD CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Friday 19 September
Catholic in Fundraising Conference.
Jubilee Year Conference just outside Rome, for more details please contact
25 September - 3 November
GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Thursday 30 October
NJPN Evening event via Zoom - Post Conference Catch Up
Details at:
2026 & 2027
Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
9th May - 29th June - CHESTER CATHEDRAL
4th July - 31st August - LINCOLN CATHEDRAL