Concerns about new Lectionary

Dear Editor,
How sad it is that the new Lectionary is "exquisitely bound in padded leather", to quote the Catholic Truth Society, which is selling it at £695, which price no doubt reflects the luxuriousness of the product.
The way the animals are treated to obtain their skins is far from luxurious, and is environmentally harmful.
See: .
This product is a slap in the face for Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si', in which he says "Every act of cruelty towards any creature is contrary to human dignity" (paragraph 92) and "Just as (Mary's) pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, so now she grieves for the sufferings of the crucified poor and for the creatures of this world laid waste by human power." (Para 241).
There is a smaller, non-leather version available, the Chapel edition, which I hope concerned Catholics will ask their parish priest to order instead of the standard version, if it is not too late.
Yours sincerely,
Virginia Bell
Laudato Si Movement
See publisher's response here: