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Latin Patriarch visits Catholic community in Gaza

Image: Latin Patriachate of Jerusalem

Image: Latin Patriachate of Jerusalem

Source: Latin Patriachate of Jerusalem

"The whole world is with you" the Patriarch of Jerusalem Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa said this morning during his visit to the parish of the Holy Family in Gaza. The Cardinal had left Jerusalem at dawn to enter Gaza, escorted by Israeli soldiers, through the Eretz crossing.

His visit was eagerly awaited by the small Christian community who have taken refuge in the parish compound for more than 14 months. For one day the faithful were able to celebrate Christmas with their bishop in an atmosphere of serenity and joy.

This is the second time that Cardinal Pizzaballa has managed to enter Gaza and visit the parish led by Fr Gabriel Romanelli. He last visited on 16 May. To ensure maximum security, news of the visit was only given after his arrival in the community.

Cardinal Pizzaballa presided over the Mass, celebrated with white vestments in a foretaste of Christmas. During the Mass he also imparted the Sacrament of Confirmation to several young people.

In his homily, the Patriarch congratulated the resilience of the Christian community: "You are the light of our Church and Christmas is precisely the feast of Light," the Light that is Jesus, and "Jesus who, never forget, is also here with you." "We are proud of you," continued the Cardinal, "not because of anything in particular, but because you have remained what you are: Christians with Jesus". And again, "just as all the people of the world, not only Christians, are with you, so too you can give something to the world that looks at you, bringing the light of Christ to everyone with your example."

On Christmas Eve, the Patriarch will make his solemn entry into Bethlehem, where he will be welcomed by another suffering community and where he will celebrate Christmas Eve Mass in St Catherine's Church.

The official translation of Cardinal Pizzaballa's homily at Holy Family Church follows:

I first express my great joy at being among you today and extend to you the greetings of everyone who conveys their love, prayers, and solidarity with you. Everyone wanted to come and be with you and bring gifts, but we couldn't carry much. You have become the light of our Church in the entire world.

At Christmas, we celebrate the light and ask: Where is this light? The light is here, in this church. The beginning of the light is Jesus Christ, who is the source of our life. If we are a light to the world, it is only because of Him. At Christmas, I pray that Jesus grants us this light.

We are living in a time filled with darkness, and there is no need to elaborate because you know it well. In these moments, we must first look to Jesus, for He gives us the strength to endure this dark time. Over the past year, we have learned that we cannot rely on humans. How many promises were made and never fulfilled? And how much violence and hatred arose because of people?

To remain steadfast in hope, we must be deeply rooted in Jesus. If we are connected to Him, we can look at one another in a different way.

I don't know when or how this war will end, and every time we approach the end, it seems like we start anew. But sooner or later, the war will end, and we must not lose hope. When the war ends, we will rebuild everything: our schools, our hospitals, and our homes. We must remain resilient and full of strength.

And I repeat: We will never abandon you, and we will do everything we can to support and assist you.

But most importantly, we must not allow hatred to infiltrate our hearts. If you want to remain a light, we must make our hearts available for Jesus alone.

This year has been a significant challenge to our faith, for all of us, and especially for you. Sometimes, we asked, "Until when, O Lord?" Today, we answer with our will: "We want this situation to end soon, but we want to remain with You, O Lord." Christ affirmed this by saying, "I am Emmanuel," which means "God is with us."

We must remain steadfast in our faith, pray for the end of this war, and trust completely that with Christ, nothing can overcome us.

Despite the violence we witnessed this past year, we also witnessed many miracles. Amidst the darkness, there were people who wanted to help and did not let anything stand in their way. The whole world, not just Christians, wanted to support and stand with you.

The war will end, and we will rebuild again, but we must guard our hearts to be capable of rebuilding. We love you, so never fear and never give up.

We must preserve our unity to keep the light of Christ here in Gaza, in our region, and in the world. We have a mission, and you must also give something, not just receive. The world that looks at you must see to whom you belong, whether you belong to the light or to darkness? Do you belong to Jesus, who gives his life, or another?

When the world looks at you, it must notice that we you different. One of you once said to me: "As Christians, there is no violence in our blood. We want to remain Christians and remain the light in this place."

Thank you for everything you do. You may not notice it in your difficult daily life, but the whole world does. We are all proud of you, not only for what you do but because you have preserved your identity as Christians belonging to Jesus.

Belonging to Jesus makes everyone a friend to you, and our lives become lives of giving to all.

I conclude by saying: Thank you. May Christmas bring light to each of us. Do be afraid, for no one can take Christ's light from us. Continue to give the good testimony of the Christian faith.

Merry Christmas!

Transcribed by the Media Office from the Live Broadcast.

Watch a recording of the Mass here:


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