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Advent Resources 2024

  • Ellen Teague

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

Source: Mouthpeace


Our online Advent calendar 2024 of daily prayer and reflection offers an opportunity to pause, reflect, pray and take action as we prepare for Christmas with CAFOD'S global family. The daily emails end on Christmas Day. This email subscription also auto-renews for succeeding Advent seasons, but you can unsubscribe at any time.
Sign up for daily reflections straight to your inbox:

Christian Peacemaker Teams

As Advent brings anticipation and excitement, connect with Christian Peacemaker Teams by taking a daily pause. Open each window in CPT's interactive Advent Calendar to look into radical art, music, poetry and solidarity. CPT's 2024 Advent theme is 'Radical love: Radical Resistance'. See:

Embrace the Middle East
Three Advent Vigils via Zoom at 7pm on Monday 2nd, 9th and 16th of December.

As war and violence continue to blight the lives of the people of Israel, Palestine and Lebanon, we will hear from three women whose lives have been impacted by the war. The women represent each of the three Abrahamic faiths and they will reflect on how they find hope in the midst of such despair from the perspective of their own experience and faith tradition. There will then be the opportunity for us to pray as we await the coming of the Prince of Peace. Sign up here:

Prayers and reflection for Advent with the cast of the Chosen -

Advocacy for a hopeful Advent

Ireland: Digital Advent Calendar

Jesuit Advent Calendar

Jesuit Refugee Service
Each Sunday in Advent we prepare for the birth of Jesus by lighting a new candle symbolising Hope, Peace, Joy, or Love. There is a weekly invitation to deepen knowledge of JRS's mission while we remember and pray for those forcibly displaced. This Advent, JRS invites you and your communities to dedicate your Advent wreath and the lighting of candles every week to migrants and refugees. See:

Light a Virtual Candle in Bethlehem

NJPN North-West: Watching and Waiting
Anne O'Connor writes: For Spring 2023 a small group of parishioners (St Vincent's, Altrincham) put together a series of six talks on prayer with the title 'Let us Pray'. We have also held services under the name 'Pray and Reflect' for Lent and Advent as well as for special times, for example Prayers for Peace in Israel and Palestine. An intimate Prayers around the Cross for Ukraine on Good Friday evening for the past three years has been well attended.

This year, in place of our usual Advent Pray and Reflect services we are offering a four-week course on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These have been put together by Anne O'Connor and Penny Howes with help from Penny's husband Chris who produced slides with gentle music embedded as an aid to silent prayer.

The 'Let us Pray' Advent handouts give a flavour of the course and these and four Pray and Reflect services for Advent are available to download on the NJPN website at:

NJPN NW Bulletin November 2024


Pax Christi Scotland
Pax Christi Scotland has been hosting monthly online reflections on the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative's 2020 book 'Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World'. The next session is 9th December and it will be led by Dr Anna Blackman, a lecturer at Glasgow University who is a member of the education board of the Catholic Non-Violence Initiative. All are welcome to attend. Details at:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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