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Advent resources and events 2022 - updated

  • Ellen Teague, Jo Siedlecka

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Ellen Teague has compiled this list of Advent resources, retreats and talks. The ICN Listings page is updated each day - so please also check there for information about further events for Advent.

Caritas Westminster Advent Giving Calendar
Readers can download it from here:
This is a reverse Advent calendar, and encourages people to donate an item to their local food bank each day.

Digital Advent Calendar
Archbishop Eamon Martin has launched this year's interactive digital Advent calendar. Behind the 28 virtual doors, it offers resources for schools, parishes and the home with short inspirational video messages, some seasonal crafts for children and prayers to help us keep Christ at the centre of our Christmas preparations. See:

Hallow Prayer App - with cast of The Chosen
Daily reflections and prayers. See:

Light a Virtual Candle in Bethlehem

Churches for Middle East Peace Advent reflections

Sisters of Mercy Advent Resources

Advent Reflection Resources for 2022 from Anne O'Connor.
Prepared for the National Justice and Peace Network of England and Wales. An A4 sheet for each week of Advent on the themes: living in harmony with nature; inviting Christ into our lives; waiting with joyful expectation; and bringing hope.

An Advent Journey with Pax Christi: 'Daily actions and reflections based on the scripture reading for each day'.

Knock Shrine:
Throughout Advent there are many events online and in-person

Prayer and sharing in the Ignatian tradition to mark the Season of Advent.
The series is a joint initiative of Farm Street and the neighbouring Grosvenor Chapel and is co-led by Ignatian prayer guide David Hothersall, from LGBT+ Catholics Westminster. This is an ideal way to experience Ignatian prayer and prepare for Christmas. Each session will include: 1.) Short Opening Liturgy; 2.) Guided Meditation; 3.) Small Groups to reflect on the meditation; 4.) Closing Liturgy. The four sessions will be held online on Tuesday evenings via Zoom between 21.00-22.00, 22 November, 29 November, 6 December, 13 December. All are welcome and you are also invited to attend some sessions if you cannot make it to all. This is an ideal way to experience Ignatian prayer and prepare for Christmas. To register and receive the Zoom link, please e-mail the parish secretary at

Ss Alban and Stephen parish in St Albans
Ss Alban and Stephen parish in St Albans, Westminster Diocese, offers weekly reflections. The parish is currently considering whether, as a parish community, they should commit to living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor. Reflecting on the Sunday readings for each week during this season of Advent is part of that discernment.Seee:

CAFOD Advent prayers and resources
CAFOD 'Pray this Advent' and 'Prayers for Christmas' Daily Advent calendar reflections straight to your inbox if you sign up. Eee:

Southwark Archdiocese Advent Reflections 2022
Daily emails from the first Sunday of Advent. Produced by the Southwark Diocesan Spirituality Commission. See:

National Catholic Reporter- Spend Advent with Saint Francis
Central to St. Francis of Assisi's spirituality is the Incarnation: God becoming one of us. He understood that God so loved the world that he sent his only son to walk among us. We at Franciscan Media are following that example. As Advent nears, the NCR is offering a daily dose of inspiration in the true spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Sign up HERE


Scottish Laity Network - Advent Journey 2022 - Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees -
Thursday 1 December -The Extreme Suffering of the People of Tigray. Alistair Dutton: Chief Executive of SCIAF will explain the background to the conflict in Tigray and SCIAF's response to the letter of + Abune Tesfaselassie Medhin, Bishop of Adigrat Eparchy, Tigray-Ethiopia. He will also share on the recent agreement on a 'permanent cessation of hostilities' and the role the Church can play in peace building.

Thursday 8 December
People from the Border
Fiona Kendall: Mission co-worker with Mediterranean Hope will share with us on Mediterranean Hope, a project based in Italy, and how it has developed since 2013 when it began welcoming migrants who landed at Lampedusa. It will be an opportunity to hear the stories of migrants and refugees and those who have sought to welcome and integrate them into their country and the challenges in doing this.

Thursday 15 December
Forced to Flee - Alison Phipps: Co-Convener of Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network will share stories of those who are forced to flee - their journey, their challenges, their hopes and how with people and networks of solidarity they are together building the future.

Thursday 22 December
Liturgy of Solidarity and Hope. With Alison Phipps and Friends. An opportunity to pray and reflect together as we seek to welcome the Christ-child by being a people who Build the Future with Migrants and Refugees.

To register for these SLN online events see:


Sunday 27 November 5.30pm
London: LGBT+ Westminster First Advent Sunday Mass
At Farm Street Church: With music from the 5.30 Music group followed by refreshments in Arrupe Hall.
The LGBT+ Westminster Pastoral Council AGM and elections takes place after Mass.

Sunday 27 November, 4-5pm
London: Prof Maria Ubiali to speak on: The Beautiful Bridge between the Infinitely Big and the Infinitesimally Small
If you are planning on attending in person please email the Parish Administrator at to book your place. You are welcome to livestream the lecture by visiting

Thursday 1 December 7.30pm Mary Ward Loreto UK Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral
The choristers from the Cathedral Choir school will lead singing. Readings by special guests: Julie Etchingham, ITV news presenter, Ed Stourton, BBC presenter, Sir Christian Sweeting from the world of business and the CEO of Mary Ward Loreto Albania, Ana Stakaj.

Thursday 1 December 7.30 - 8.30pm - Scripture Talk for Advent with Fr John Deehan
Unfinished Business: Paul & James: The New Testament Readings for Year A.
Please click HERE to register by Eventbrite.

Thursday 1 December 6pm
London: World AIDS Day Mass

Saturday 3 December 2pm Pax Christi Advent Peace Service
At Church of the Holy Apostles, 47 Cumberland Street, Pimlico, London. Music will be led by Julie McCann. Singers and instrumentalists will gather to rehearse at 10am in the church. The service will be followed by a Christmas market with Fairtrade and Palestinian goods, crafts and gifts, books, cards, refreshments and children's activities. See:

Saturday, 3 December 2pm GMT.
Ecumenical Advent Service in-person and livestreamed between Bethlehem and Glasgow

Monday 5 December 7pm Stonyhurst carol service
At Farm Street Church

Tuesday 6 December 7pm - London: Pact's London Christmas Carol Service 2022 at Farm Street Church

Thursday 8 December 7pm - Nottingham: Pact Christmas Carol Service at Sacred Heart Carlton

Thursday 8 December 7.30 - 8.30pm Scripture Talk for Advent with Fr John Deehan - Waiting in Expectation: The Gospel Readings
Please click HERE to register by Eventbrite.

Thursday 8 December 7pm - 8pm - Guided Prayer for Advent from London Jesuit Centre.
An hour of prayer online. See:

Monday 12 December 7pm - Aid to the Church in Need carol service
At Farm Street Church

Monday, 12 December 7 - 8pm. Catholicism under King Charles III
At London Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street. With Mary Kenny, Peter Stanford, Jon Cruddas MP
For more details and booking information see:

Tuesday 13 December 6pm London: Carol Concert in aid of the Douai Foundation
At Corpus Christi Church, Covent Garden.
For more information see:

Tuesday 13 December 7pm London: Farm Street Church parish carol service

Wednesday 14 December 7pm - The Tablet carol service
At Farm Street Church

Thursday 15 December 7pm - Stella Maris concert
At Farm Street Church

Friday 16 December 7.30pm - Young Adult Ministries carol service
At Farm Street Church

Tuesday 20 December 7pm - Jesuit Refugee Service carol service
At Farm Street Church



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