Lourdes affected by flash flooding
The Grotto at Lourdes was flooded on Friday night and Saturday morning after the entire Hautes-Pyrénées region was hit by heavy rains. The river Gave, that flows through Lourdes, is reported to have risen by ten feet in a short period of time.
"Sudden rise in the waters of the Gave de Pau flooded the Grotto and the Sanctuary" the Sanctuary stated today on X (Twitter)
A notice on its website today reads: "Flooding. Sanctuary doors remain open. Information on site."
Later today (Saturday, 7 September) the Shrine released a statement saying that the Grotto had been cleaned and reopened, adding that no pilgrimages had been cancelled.
"The emergency flood protection plan has proved its effectiveness the statement reads. Celebrations will resume at the usual times, in all the Shrine's basilicas and places of worship."
Lourdes has experienced major flooding on several occasions in recent years. Flooding in October 2012 caused considerable damage. In June 2013 the river rose even higher, flooding the underground Basilica. Less serious flooding was reported in September 2014. On 13 June 2018 the River rose again by nearly ten feet but new flood defences protected the spring and the Grotto was reopened by the following evening. .
The media in France reports that several roads in the region have been cut off. Parts of the national highway linking France to Spain appear to have collapsed. As the waters recede, leaving uprooted trees, overturned cars and a great deal of rubble, the authorities are assessing the damage.
France TV:
AFP report: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxaPlXNjcDU