US Franciscans deplore assassination attempt

Source: Franciscan Action Network
The Franciscan Action Network deplores the heinous attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, which resulted in the death of two people and wounding of two others, including the former president.
We express our deep sorrow for the suffering caused by this horrific and inexcusable attack, and we offer our prayers for healing and our condolences to all those traumatized by it. We call for an end to the tide of violence sweeping our country and our world.
As Franciscans, we have called persistently for nonviolent resolution of political differences in the United States, including the proper conduct of the democratic process via peaceful campaigning and free and fair elections, and we will continue to do so. We are committed to participate as voters and to serve as peacemaking poll workers and poll chaplains in the upcoming elections. We humbly ask our sisters and brothers to eschew violence, retaliation, and incendiary or demeaning language, and to join us in praying and working to heal our wounded and polarized society.
We offer the following prayer for peace and healing:
God of life, source of hope,
the violence within our world, our communities, our families, in our very selves is destroying your creation.
Make still the restless spirit within me that is self-seeking.
Stir within my heart a renewed Spirit of reverence, respect, and reconciliation.
Give me strength to break the cycle of violence by realizing that peace begins with me.
God of reconciliation, passionate for your whole creation,
impel us to seek your guiding hand in leading us to forgiveness, pardon, and peace.
Give us the heart that holds a place for all those who oppose us or who call us enemy.
Help us by your grace in the ministry of reconciliation you have given us to do;
to heal and make whole.
Let the word of reconciliation be in our mouths and in our hearts
that your peace might be present to all.
(Adapted from a prayer by Fr. Angelo Anthony, CPPS)
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