Pope never intended to offend: 'Room for everyone in the Church'

Pope with Italian Bishops Image: Vatican Media
Source: Vatican News, LGBT+ Westminster
The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, issued a brief statement today, in response to reports that the Pope had used a derogatory term in a remark about the admission of homosexual people to the seminary.
"Pope Francis is aware of the recent articles regarding a closed-door conversation with the bishops of the CEI [Italian Bishops' Conference].
As he has stated on many occasions, 'There is room for everyone in the Church, for everyone! No one is useless; no one is superfluous; there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.' The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others."
In a statement today LGBT+ Catholics Westminster say: "Pope Francis' alleged use of the slang word, 'frociaggine' would be considered offensive, not only by LGBT+ Catholics but also and not least, by those who offer ordained ministry among the people of God. LGBT+ Catholics Westminster question why his off-the-cuff remark was not challenged within the Italian Bishops Conference meeting, rather than being leaked to controversial media sources?
"Is this another example in which sexuality and gender identity are being used to weaponise against the Pope's consistent welcoming of LGBT+ Catholics, parents and families?
"We prefer to judge Pope Francis by the many positive things that he has said and done for LGBT+ Catholics, parents and families, rather than collude with those who seek to undermine him.
"We welcome the policy of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England & Wales, and many religious orders over a number of years, that, all other things being equal, a diverse sexual orientation is not, of itself, a bar to seminary admission or ordination.
"As we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of LGBT+ Catholics Westminster we give thanks for the affirmation offered by Bishop Paul McAleenan, presiding at the 25th Anniversary Mass, Farm Street Jesuit Church, on 26 May 2024, and his words during the after-Mass Reception. All are welcome in a Synodal Church, committed to the radical inclusion of all God's people."