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Invitation to CAFOD Faith in Action event

'Too often, I click on a news website and wonder: "Where's the good news?"

It's hard to take when you're campaigning for climate action and you see yet more support for fossil fuels. Or when you've been calling for justice for communities affected by corporate abuses and there's talk of plans to cut business regulations.

But we honestly believe there are causes for hope - and that our faith calls us to bear witness to hope. So we'd like to invite you to join us on 29 October as we explore the role of hope in our campaigning.

We'll be gathering for a short while between 11am -12.30pm on Saturday 29 October to reflect on the role of hope in our faith, hear from people who are bearing witness to that hope in the communities we serve overseas and look at ways we can bring about hope through campaigning as individuals and in our communities.

That will include discussion with local experts in our Church network about the work they're doing to fix our broken food system and to care for our common home, especially at the 'COP27' climate talks taking place in Egypt in a few weeks' time.

We'll also reflect on what we can do ourselves or in our parishes and our constituencies to put our faith into action.
It would be great to see you on 29 October. We hope you can join us.'

To book your place click here:


Sisters of the Holy Cross

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