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Volunteer members sought for Westminster J&P Commission

The Diocese of Westminster has recently reviewed the terms of reference for the Justice and Peace Commission and is now embarking on a process of recruiting new volunteers to serve as members.

Between 8-11 people are being sought to assist with this advisory role, alongside four appointed members (The Chair, Co-ordinator, Staff Member for CAFOD Westminster and Staff Member for Caritas Westminster.)

"The Commission exists to promote action and reflection on peace and social justice in the Diocese of Westminster, in the light of the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching." (Westminster Yearbook 2022, p38)

Justice and peace issues may be local, national or international.

Accordingly, the Westminster Justice and Peace Commission will:

- Be a visible sign of justice and peace in the Diocese.
- Facilitate parishes, schools and individuals to form groups and networks for reflection and action on peace and justice.
- Identify and raise awareness of injustice and its root causes, including structural injustice.
- Promote justice and peace spirituality.
- Dialogue and discern with the Cardinal and Bishops on justice and peace matters.

We hope to recruit members who will reflect the full diversity of our Diocese and strongly encourage younger adults and people from ethnic minorities to apply as these groups are currently under-represented across the Justice & Peace network.

Commission membership is a voluntary role, involving four meetings a year and offering assistance on a variety of issues in between.

Please consider whether the Lord is calling you to serve in this capacity or to invite someone else you know to consider applying.

The deadline for applications is Friday, 17th June 2022.

Please email us on or contact any member of the current Commission if you would like an informal discussion to find out more about the role.


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