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Network for a Better World seeks volunteers to work in Malawi

We are a small UK based charity, set up by people who have all worked as volunteers in Africa. Our aim is to work in partnership with the people of the rural community of Sitima, promoting sustainable development and giving people skills and opportunities which will help lift them out of extreme poverty.

We have Environmental projects, for example, a solar powered irrigation scheme, training in agricultural skills, solar lamps, kitchen gardens in the villages and a tree nursery.

We invest heavily in Education, with in service training and advice for Heads and teachers and funding of new classrooms and latrines

In the community we have initiated craft groups for women, health advice sessions, adult literacy, and an extensive sports programme. We have a disability programme whereby advice, aids and equipment are given to disabled children and adults and their families.

Our aim is to hand over control of our projects once they are up and running to the local community.

We are looking for volunteers who can spend one month to one year working in Malawi. We welcome applications from: teachers, health professionals, social workers, construction and agricultural workers, sports coaches and people skilled in crafts or business development. Alternatively - just tell us what you can offer.

Comfortable accommodation is available in a volunteer's house in the grounds of a Montfort Mission.

For more details see: or email



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