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Resources for Lent 2022

  • Ellen Teague

Zacharo - Image ICN/JS

Zacharo - Image ICN/JS

Ellen Teague has complied this long list of resources that can be used in parishes, retreats, groups and schools throughout Lent.

Virtual Ignatian Retreat
Six-part online retreat with six members Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. Sign up HERE

See-judge-act Lenten Gospel program with Australian Cardijn Institute
The official launch next Monday evening at 7pm Sydney time, which will be 8am London time.
Details here:

New Beginnings - A Journey from Lent to Easter
A Lent reflection leaflet produced by Anne O'Connor with brief daily reflections.

Ecological Way of the Cross
By Fr Sean McDonagh. Adapted by Anne O'Connor

Lent Resources from Redemptorist Publications
Including 'A Lenten Camino' by Janet Fearns, 'Lent Extra' and 'The Lenten Journey' with Fr Denis McBride

CAFOD Lent Resources
Daily Lent Reflections sent to emails from Ash Wednesday. They will include a reflection on one of the readings of the day, stories of the global family, a prayer and a suggested action.
Subscribe here:

Pax Christi England and Wales Resources and Action
Reflection resources and events around the country on Ash Wednesday and an online gathering in the evening to lament the UK's possession of nuclear weapons.

Irish Chaplaincy Lent Retreat 7-11 March 2022
Daily zoom conference at 9.30am (lasting 30-45 mins), including a reflection each day from a different speaker: Eddie Gilmore, Pat Gaffney, Sr Philomena Purcell, Jon Cornwall, Fr John Cullen.

'Listening to Women' Lent course
Catholic Women Speak is partnering with Catherine of Siena College to offer a six-week online course during Lent, exploring a wide range of theological and pastoral perspectives and personal stories from Catholic women around the world. A weekly recorded video lecture is provided by Tina Beattie. For more information or to register for the course, contact Dr Anna Cantelmi at

Plenty! for Lent, produced by Green Christian
Suitable for small group discussion for Lent, the course invites you to imagine a society where everyone has enough to live a good life, where communities flourish, and Creation heals and thrives. Over six weeks, the Plenty! course tackles tough questions around inequality, consumerism, social justice and the environment - all approached through conversation, stories and questions - and all leading into that important question of what you and your church can do to help create a fairer and greener world.
Download at:

Lenten Reflection Guide for 2022 from the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Reflections from Maryknoll missioners, questions, prayers, and actions based on each Sunday's Scripture readings and in light of Catholic Social Teaching on human rights and Maryknoll mission experience. The guide begins the first Sunday of Lent and offers weekly reflections through to Palm Sunday. Guide can be used individually or in small groups to reflect on your life patterns, to pray more deeply, and to renew your spirit to face the realities of our world.

Lent Webinar: Fasting for Creation: How Lent Can Help Us Care for Creation
The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach in Washington is offering this webinar on Tuesday, 15 March. Contact for registration details.

Lenten Odyssey 'Liturgical Resources for Lent 2022
Produced by the Columban Missionaries in Australia
And video prayers for each Sunday of Lent:

A Virtual Lenten Retreat with Dan Schutte 'From Ashes to Glory'
Includes 21 video presentations and a downloadable retreat workbook-journal. Each presentation includes both a reflection and an inspiring song. Retreat concludes with optional live Zoom conversation with the composer of 'Here I am Lord.'

Glasgow: Online Ignatian Lent Retreat


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