Comment: Pray for the judges who freed Asia Bibi

Lord Alton of Liverpool writes:
When I met Chief Justice Saqib Nasir in Islamabad earlier this month I felt that I had met an honest judge who wanted to rectify an appalling injustice. He and his colleagues could have been intimidated by the lynch mob who have been baying for the blood of this innocent woman. Instead of which he has weighed the evidence and shown integrity and great courage.
Be in no doubt, he has handed down a verdict that has put his own life on the line.
Minister Shahbaz Bhati and Governor Salman Taseer were murdered for speaking out against the incarceration of Asia Bibi and the misapplication of the law.
The courage of these judges represents great hope for Pakistan's legal (system).
We should pray for Chief Justice Saqib Nasir who, in dispensing justice, has put his life on the line.
See: ICN 31 October 2018 Asia Bibi: Court overturns death sentence