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New children's book on Blessed John Paul II

Catholic writer and broadcaster Joanna Bogle has written a childrens' book about the life of Blessed John Paul 11. The book, part of a series on modern saints published by St Paul's Publications, is Joanna's first attempt at writing for young children. It is a delightful book written in an easy, enthusiastic style for 7-11 year olds. The attractive illustrations are by Kati Teague who worked on previous childrens' books for St Pauls' including one on Therese of Lisieux, published last year. Karol Wojtyla's involvement in Polish underground theatre presentations is charmingly portrayed and the Nazi menace dramatically depicted by goose stepping soldiers.

His initiative of World Youth Day is given an important focus and illustrated on the cover. At the London book launch the author said that it was a privilege to convey his extraordinary qualities and greatness. "There was something huge about Blessed John Paul in bringing young people from all around the world together, speaking to them in a new way," she said.

The book highlights the late Pope in the frailty of old age and sickness as well as his younger vigour and sporting prowess,presenting him as a role model for young people. His reaching out to people of other faiths is given prominence too.

At the end is a simple quiz based on the book.

Priced at £7 this would make a lovely Christmas gift.
ISBN 978 0 85439 819 5


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