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Bishop calls for end to detention of children

Bishop Patrick at the launch

Bishop Patrick at the launch

Bishop Patrick Lynch, the Catholic Bishop for Migrants has called on politicians to commit to rebuilding public support for the provision of sanctuary to refugees in the UK, and to work to end the detention of innocent children and families for immigration purposes.

The Chair of the Office for Migration Policy of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, Bishop Lynch said: "The Catholic Church upholds the Citizens for Sanctuary pledge especially the call to support policies that will end the detention of children and families for immigrations purposes.

"The Church has repeatedly taken up an advocacy role in the defence of human rights and dignity. It has enhanced its commitment on behalf of vulnerable migrants, especially women and minors and will continue to develop and increase its cooperation with governments, civil society and local authorities in responding to the needs of migrants and advocating for their dignity and rights."

Bishop Lynch signed the Sanctuary Pledge at an event in Central London last week. The Sanctuary Pledge is a campaign by the Citizen Organising Foundation to implement the findings of the Independent Asylum Commission. It is supported by 18 partner organisations: London Citizens, CITIZENS UK, The Church of England, Office for Migration Policy (The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales), The Methodist Church, The Baptist Union of Great Britain, The United Reformed Church, The Evangelical Alliance, The Mothers' Union, The Muslim Council of Britain, The Office of the Chief Rabbi, The Board of
Deputies of British Jews, The Jewish Council on Racial Equality, Church Action on Poverty, CITIZENS for Sanctuary, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, The Vincentian Millennium Partnership and The Salvation Army.

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