St Gwynllyw and Gwladys

These sixth century saints were the parents of Cadoc, one of the early founders of monasticism in South Wales. They are also one of very few married couples to be canonised.
Gwynllyw was a chieftain. His wife Gwladys also came from an aristocratic family. Much of their life was spent fighting neighbouring tribes, but their son Cadoc converted them to Christianity and they became devout followers of Christ.
The couple settled near Stow Hill in Gwent, where they lived like monks, praying, taking long walks and bathing in the icy water of the river Usk winter and summer. Eventually they decided to live apart. Gwynllyw was visited by St Dyfrig on his deathbed on this day.
Many miracles are associated with the couple. Several place names and church dedications in Wales preserve their memory.