Pax Christi - Peace Sunday Resources and Appeal

Source: Pax Christi
With just six days to go until until Peace Sunday 2025, Pax Christi is launching their Peace Sunday 2025 Fundraising Appeal. They say:
We live in a world riven by war and violence. As Pope Francis has said on a number of occasions, it is as if there is a third world war - 'one that is being fought piecemeal.'
Our vision is of a world where everyone can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form. We work for that peace in a number of ways:
- We offer peace and nonviolence education for schools and youth groups
- We campaign for the abolition of war, against the arms trade and against increasing militarism.
- We advocate for general and nuclear disarmament and for a just peace wherever there is violent conflict.
-We promote the message of gospel nonviolence, believing nonviolence is central to the teachings of Jesus and that we are all called to embrace nonviolence in our daily lives.
- We are always grateful for the donations and gifts we receive from churches and organisations on or around Peace Sunday. They are a significant part of our annual income and enable us to continue our vital work.
In 2025, a year of Jubilee, we want to develop our work. In his message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has challenged us to 'disarm' our hearts as a path to the peace we seek. We want to be able to provide opportunities, tools and resources that will help us all to meet that challenge.
Every donation counts and is an encouragement to us. if you are able to give and support us, please click on the button below.
What do you have planned for Peace Sunday?
We would love to know what has been planned in your parish, school or group for Peace Sunday. Let us know on particularly if you would like us to publicise an event.
All our resources are still available to download from our Peace Sunday page and we have recently added notes for a short five minute talk on Pope Francis' message.
Peace Sunday Page and Resources 2025:
The resources include Pope Francis' full message for the World Day of Peace, a liturgy booklet, notes for a homily, a Peace Sunday prayer card and resources for children, young people and schools.