Chilworth: Study morning on Fulton J Sheen, the Communicator

A Study Morning on Bishop Fulton J Sheen will take place at St Augustine's Abbey, in Chilworth, near Guildford on Saturday, 15 February. Bishop Sheen, dubbed 'the Communicator,'was a pioneer of using media for evangelism, reaching an audience of over 30 million weekly through television and radio.
Fr John Seddon OSB, a resident monk, will present a video from Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism: The Pivotal Players series on Fulton J Sheen, followed by a group discussion. This episode explores his life, influence, and contributions to the Church, taking viewers to significant locations such as Peoria, Illinois, New York, and Washington, DC, where his legacy was shaped.
No prior knowledge is needed to attend, and participation in the discussion is optional. Holy Mass will take place at 9am in the Abbey Church, with the main event running from 10.30am to 12.20pm in the Assisi Room at the rear of the monastery.
Refreshments will be provided, and guests are encouraged to bring a friend. Attendance is free, but a £10 charge per person covers refreshments and room hire.
Only 30 spaces are available so advance booking is essential at: (search 'Fulton Sheen'):