Advent letter from Archbishop Elias Chacour in Galilee

Mar Elias - A school for all God's children
Source: Mar Elias Educational Institutions
Dear friends,
We are still living in a kind of miracles survival amidst the ongoing brutal war. We are all deeply affected with almost a daily course of rockets and of similar war machines against the neighbouring countries. Meanwhile, we are trying our utmost to keep calm, and as much as possible to keep living in peace. We are experiencing the fact of keeping the hope alive and the peace overwhelming.
Our students have been at home for two months, while the campus looks like a desert. We learn once more to appreciate the presence of our beloved students.
We start feeling the winds of Christmas. It's our pleasure and honour to wish you a very special celebration of Christmas. We would like to join the angels and urge you to come see the salvation of God, that the angels brought to the Shepherds. This kind of peace counteracts the way of war and overcomes the defiling sound of the rockets.
Our students are back to school, it is such a joy to see them around. In my name and in the name of all our students as well of our staff and maintenance team, we wish you a real Happy Christmas and we thank you for your friendship and for your assistance directly to us, or through the good care of Pilgrims of Ibillin and Ashray.
I wish to remind you that the presents of the Shepherds were not less important than the presents of the Magi. The Shepherds were delighted and overwhelmed with the message that they received from heaven: "Be not afraid, today a saviour is born for you". This is the message we want to convey to everyone among you. We don't forget the importance and the very much needed gifts of the Magi who came with Frankincense, with Gold and with Myrrh. Although it was not needed by the child, we dare place ourselves in His place, these gifts are also much needed and appreciated as do the gifts help us to survive and we are determined to continue spreading the good news: "Be not afraid, a saviour is born for you".
May I end our wishes with a dream that I want to see implemented, that all of you would have the opportunity very soon, as soon as the war is ended and the weapons are calmed and peace becomes prevailing, and you dear friends come to visit us and be our distinguished guests. We love to welcome you and invite you to see what we are doing and to share our dream of being "ambassadors for reconciliation" since this is the message of our school, have courage, God is good, he is in control.
Yours with deep friendly relations and daily prayers for all of you
Abuna Elias Chacour
Archbishop emeritus of Galilee
Mar Elias Educational Institutions: