Holy Land: Young Christian Palestinian woman faces four months imprisonment without charge + petition
Source: Pastor Munther Isaac
Last week we reported the Archbishop of Canterbury had expressed his concern after a young Christian Palestinian woman was taken from her parents' home in the West Bank on Saturday, to an unknown destination. The Israeli soldiers arrived at about 4am to take 23-year-old Layan Nasir away in handcuffs at gunpoint from her parents' home in the West Bank town of Birzeit. There was no arrest warrant or charges. Her parents haven't been notified of where she is held.
The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said in a post on Twitter (X) "I'm shocked and deeply concerned. Please pray for Layan's safety and swift release."
Revd Dr Munther Isaac, pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem has now written: "Today we learned that an Israeli military court has placed Palestinian Christian young woman Layan Nasir, who was arrested last week, in administrative detention for four months (renewable). No charges have been presented. Layan is just one of thousands of Palestinians who are in detention with no charges (including 85+ women).
"This is part of the Israeli apartheid system that oppresses Palestinians. According to Btselem: 'Israel routinely uses administrative detention and has, over the years, placed thousands of Palestinians behind bars for periods ranging from several months to several years, without charging them, without telling them what they are accused of, and without disclosing the alleged evidence to them or to their lawyers.'
"I have spoken to Layan' family this morning to console them. Please pray for Layan and Layan's family. Please pray for justice. Please pray and advocate for the release of the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners / "hostages!"
Richard Sewell writes on Twitter (X) @sgcjerusalem
'News just in: Layan Nasir's lawyer informed us that she will be held in Administrative Detention for four months. No charges have been presented. I commend the Guardian article for good back ground info. It is outrageous and intolerable. Sign petition HERE
See Guardian report: www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/13/shhh-or-ill-shoot-you-family-of-jailed-christian-woman-tell-of-israeli-raid
And ICN's earlier report: Young Palestinian Christian woman arrested in West Bank - www.indcatholicnews.com/news/49528