Enriching Programme of Events at Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge (Spring 2024)
The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Cambridge is offering an enriching programme of lectures, book launches, short courses and study days this Spring (April-June 2024) which will be of interest to all Catholics. Topics range from Aquinas to Synodality, Catholic Social Thought to the Eucharistic Prayer, and culminate in Professional Ethics.
The programme begins with the prestigious Mary Ward lecture series, on Wednesday 17 April 2024 at 5pm (online or in-person, free). Professor Anna Rowlands (St Hilda Professor of Catholic Social Thought and Practice at Durham University) will be speaking on "The Synod on Synodality: Understanding our Ecclesial Times". See: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mary-ward-lecture-the-synod-on-synodality-tickets-810140009577?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
The lecture will reflect on the major themes that have emerged from the Synod on Synodality, and offer some critical reflections on what these emerging themes and experiences of lived synodality tell us about the ecclesial times we are living in.
In commemoration of the 750th anniversary of St Thomas' Aquinas's passing into eternal life (7 March 1274), Sr Magdalene Eitenmiller OP is offering an eight-week short course on the Angelic Doctor's contemplative, theological, and philosophical study of the person of Christ in the Summa Theologiae. This online course commences on Tuesday 23 April from 16:30-18:00, and runs for eight Tuesday evenings (until 11 June), with sessions recorded for students who may not be able to attend live each week. Sr Eitenmiller will guide us step-by-step through Aquinas's Christological reflection on the person of Christ in ST III. qq.1-26, with opportunities for questions and discussion. This course is open to all who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the mystery of Christ. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/discovering-jesus-through-thomas-aquinas-tickets-604814876577?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Next, on Monday 29th April from 16:00 The Margaret Beaufort Institute is hosting a book-launch (online or in-person, free) of "Catholic Social Thought and Prison Ministry" edited by Dr Elizabeth Phillips (Woolf Institute) and Dr Férdia Stone Davis (Margaret Beaufort Institute). This important collection of essays offers critical insights into the relationship between Catholic social thought, the prison system and chaplaincy, probing the roles, limitations, and potential of each in fostering social action and pastoral care. Whether you are interested in theology, Catholic social thought, social action, or prison chaplaincy, this book provides compelling proposals and critical reflections on the synergy between faith and social practice in the realm of prison ministry. The book is the fruit of the Flourishing Inside research project led by the Margaret Beaufort Institute with the support of the Charles Plater Trust. Bishop Richard Moth (Lead Bishop for Prisons for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales) will join us online for the launch, offering a few thoughts on the book. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/book-launch-of-catholic-social-thought-and-prison-ministry-tickets-861371564537?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
An equally fitting commemoration of Aquinas's Jubilee, in view of Thomas's authorship of the Corpus Christi liturgy (Panis angelicus), is a study day this May on the Eucharistic Prayer. We are privileged that Dr Peter Coughlan is leading a study day on this topic, on Saturday 4th May 2024, from 9.30am-4pm, in person at the Margaret Beaufort Institute. Peter will generously share with us his knowledge of the meaning and significance of the eucharistic prayers, on the origins and development of these prayers, and above all their meaning and significance for the faith, life and hope of believers today. Peter was formerly a member of the Vatican's Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, and so has expert, first-hand knowledge of the development of new eucharistic prayers since the Second Vatican Council. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/study-day-on-the-eucharistic-prayer-tickets-662875106287?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Everyone is very warmly invited to attend this study day in person (please bring your own lunch), which we hope will be enriching for your faith and knowledge of the Eucharist, and we particularly encourage parish groups to contact us, as we are happy to arrange group discounts as well as accepting donations. The suggested ticket price is £15, but it is also possible to book tickets for a small donation on the booking page.
Finally, this Spring programme of events will culminate on Tuesday 7th May (5-7pm online) with the start of a new short-course, led by our Principal Dr Anna Abram, on 'Ethics in Professional Context'. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ethics-in-the-professional-context-tickets-691563734747?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
The course runs initially for five consecutive Tuesday evenings (from 7 May to 4 June) before returning for a special one-off study day on Saturday 12th October 2024, and sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend live each week. This interactive, interdisciplinary course is designed to explore ethical concepts with a view to helping students develop their own foundations and tools for reasoning about their own professional ethics. If you are interested to develop ethical tools and insights, which are relevant to your own professional role - whatever field you are working in - then this course is ideal for you. Participants receive a Certificate of Attendance. This Spring we are also offering three bursary places, for a 50% discount on the course fee. Simply email apply@mbit.cam.ac.uk by Friday 26th April 2024, with a paragraph explaining why this course is relevant to your professional career, to be considered for this discounted fee.
We at the Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge hope that you are inspired by this theologically enriching range of programmes. The aim is to nourish the faith, hope, love and knowledge of all Catholics, through deeper study of the Eucharistic prayer, Aquinas's Christology, Catholic Social Thought, Professional Ethics, and Synodality.
Dr Sean Ryan, Vice Principal & Acting Director of Studies
Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge