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LGBT+ Westminster respond to Dignitas Infinita

The Vatican Declaration, 'Infinite Dignity'( Dignitas Infinita - 8 April 2024), is a welcome re-affirmation of the centrality of human rights protection in promoting the common good of all, and their universality, especially for LGBT+ persons and communities. The LGBT+ Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council particularly welcomes the denunciation of policies and legislation allowing "that in some places, not a few people are imprisoned, tortured, and even deprived of the good of life solely because of their sexual orientation." (No.55).

However, the document should go beyond criticising governments for these policies; in too many countries Catholic Bishops' Conferences have colluded with, and actively supported such human rights abuses. When will these be brought to order and comply with Pope Francis' pastoral approach and inclusion of LGBT+ people in Church and society?

Sadly, the Declaration's fine principles are abrogated when it comes to recognising the reality of gender transition and the use of surrogacy by LGBT+ persons and others as they pursue their rights to self-identity and desires to found a family. The confusion of gender transition with the treatment of genital abnormalities such as experienced by intersex people is compounded by the document's inadequate exposition of gender theory and the pseudo-concept of "gender ideology", created by those opposed to developing understanding on the diversity of gender identities and the impact of social construction.

Pope Francis' 2016 Apostolic Exortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), and many subsequent statements, emphasise the need to start with the human realities of time and space, rather than attempting to apply abstract, theoretical principles to truly human concerns. We also welcome the occasional acknowledgment that Church teachings in these areas are not always "one size fits all" positions and that there might be divergencies from a "rule". An authentic theology of sexual diversity and gender identities will only emerge when we take this seriously.


Dignitas Infinita -


The Passionists

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