Christmas Reflection on Gaza from Dr Swee Ang

Dr Swee Ang Image: ICN/JS
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon, author and founder of Medical Aid for Palestinians, Dr Swee Ang Chai writes: On this Christmas morning, I was thinking about what Christmas means to all of us who are deeply shaken and broken by the brutal massive killing of innocent lives in Gaza and the total destruction of homes and all institutions for human survival like hospitals, schools, generators, churches, mosques, universities, farms with the denial of food, water and electricity. Gaza is being laid waste and her children murdered - at least 20,000 in two months with 9,000 children - with others taken prisoners to be tortured and killed.
We are angry and helpless and despondent. Yet we know we cannot despair and must do whatever we can to support the Palestinians.
Last night at Midnight Mass, my priest called for prayers for Gaza. In fact he has been doing this at every single Mass since October. He believes it is the right thing to do, and continues to use his pulpit telling and reminding his parish to do so. Two weeks ago I was in Egypt trying to work out how to get into Gaza. I failed and came back to look after my NHS patients. But I tried. We go to demonstrations and shout at our Government, write to them insisting they call for a ceasefire, we also failed so far, but we will carry on.
I dare not have the courage to ask God where He is in the midst of the continuing brutallity against a defenceless people who had suffered continuously for 75 years. Every 10 minutes a Palestinian child in Gaza is killed by bombs either directly or buried under the rubble. Now infectious diseases like hepatitis A and all forms of gastro-enteritis have broken out in Southern Gaza where 1.9 million displaced Gazans are forced to live in a space half the size of the Isle of Wight - with scarcity of food to eat, no water to drink and wash, hospitals destroyed and with 35,000 wounded by the wanton bombardment many dying with the lack of treatment. Yet the mainstream media continues to blame the Palestinians, silence their voices so that no one knows of their pain and suffering as they face annihilation. Israel is given carte blanche to continue its apocalyptic destruction and deadly killing. It has openly ask for more time to finish its killing mission and the politicians of USA, UK and EU agreed.
Just as words failed me, I received this Christmas sermon from Rev Munther Isaac. So many messages flood my inbox and I am sure yours too - but I watched this particular video and I urge you to do so too. Thank you Elizabeth for sending this:
It is affirmative, powerful and strengthen my faith in God. Now I know why Jesus Christ was born homeless in a lowly manger (actually a cave), flee the massacre of infants, grow up as a child refugee in Egypt, spent his short adult life living under Roman Occupation only to be tortured to death in Golgotha. Is that not a life journey Palestinians are familiar with? Jesus Christ the baby in the manger is also the baby under the rubble in Gaza. The world denied Jesus, as they deny the Palestinians now.
May we be here for the baby in the manger and the baby under the rubble. May you all have a very special Christmas - a Christmas not of festivities - but truly close to the heart of God as we seek Him among those who suffer. To be truly a part of His family and His people.
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