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UK-wide: Gaza peace prayers, vigils and marches this weekend

  • Jo Siedlecka

More than 180 people were killed and many more hundreds injured as Israel resumed their bombing of Gaza on Friday morning.

In cities around the world, many hundreds of peace demonstrations will be taking place this weekend. Across the UK - several dozen peace events, prayers, marches and vigils are planned.
In different parts of London alone, at least 12 different marches and vigils are scheduled to take place on Saturday.

At 2pm, Pax Christi will be holding their Advent Peace Service at the Church of the Holy Apostles, 47 Cumberland Street, Pimlico, London SW1V 4LY. The service will be BSL interpreted. This will be followed by Pax Christi's Alternative Christmas Market with Fairtrade and Palestinian goods, crafts and gifts, books, cards, refreshments and children's activities.

For more information about Pax Christi visit

For a full list of events around the UK this weekend, see our Listings page:


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