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Call for church leaders in Britain to speak up over Gaza

We are Christians who believe that God has been definitely revealed as having a preferential option for the poor and oppressed. We believe that Christians are called to reflect that preferential option in our lives and proclamation.

With this in mind, we stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza. We condemn utterly the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and in particular the killing of civilians.

We have been disappointed at the lack of clarity from Christian leaders in Britain on this issue. We call on leaders of churches to:

- Unequivocally condemn the attacks on Gaza.
- Make the case for an immediate ceasefire.
- Clearly express solidarity with and provide real support for our sisters and brothers in the Palestinian Christian community.

With events developing rapidly and the death toll rising, now is the time to speak out.

Simon Hewitt

Tasia Scrutton

Jarel Robinson-Brown

Jess Oshodin

Anupama Ranawana

Larissa Kennedy

Al Barrett

Lynn Busfield

Peter McMylor

Brandon Fletcher-James

Andrew Williams

Anthony Vahni Capildeo


Apostleship of the Sea

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