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Study Day on Catholic response to migrants and refugees

  • Fr Adrian Graffy

Liam Allmark

Liam Allmark

Liam Allmark, Head of Communications, Fundraising and Advocacy at the Jesuit Refugee Service, will present a study day on the document: 'Love the Stranger: a Catholic Response to Migrants and Refugees', which was produced by the Bishops of England and Wales earlier this year, on Saturday, 7th October at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal Priest in Gidea Park.

This will be an opportunity to explore our Catholic response to the crisis which is being played out across the world at this time, and to understand the statements of Pope Francis about the Christian call of love for all our brothers and sisters.

The day will take place in the hall beginning at 11am, with coffee available from 10.30.

This study day is also available online at:


Catholic Women's League

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