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London: Young Adult Mass is 20!

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Fr David Stewart SJ will be celebrating a special Young Adult Mass at Farm Street church in Mayfair, at 7pm this Sunday, marking the 20th year since since he launched the Ignatian young adult ministry there.

Fr David said it will be a Mass of Thanksgiving for what started out as the 'First Sunday Young Adult Mass'. He explained: "From that first Mass, actually on Palm Sunday 2003, when 11 young people attended (one of whom later realised they thought they were at something else, but stayed anyway) it's grown. We added the Third Sunday reflective Mass in due course and several Christian Life Communities grew from it. We took a group of 16 to World Youth Day and MAGIS, the Ignatian young adult prelude to WYD, in Sydney in 2008.

"Thus it's appropriate that some of the Farm Street Young Adult Mass people are at the latest edition of MAGiS, in Lisbon, at this moment. Then the leaders who followed me developed it much further to where it is today, now a weekly celebration with several hundred attending and many more creative and hope-filled activities besides."

Fr David added: "It's wonderfully appropriate that the 20th Anniversary Mass take place on the eve of the Feast of St Ignatius, of course - also that Pope Francis has asked the people of God to pray for the MAGIS/World Youth Day pilgrims in his monthly Intention for August.

Weekly Mass and Social for Young Adults (18 - 35)
Every Sunday at 7pm

Join other young adults at the beautiful Jesuit Church of the Immaculate Conception in Farm Street, Mayfair. And join them afterwards for a drink! Email for info:

The Mass is also livestreamed on the Farm Street Church website:

Read more about the Jesuit Young Adult Ministries here:


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