Call for action and prayers on Shireen Abu Akleh anniversary

Shireen Abu Akleh
On 11 May, it will be a year since the Palestinian American Catholic journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by a sniper from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) whilst reporting on a raid on Jenin Refugee Camp in the West Bank.
While our Pax Christi International Delegation was in Palestine, earlier this year, we met with Tony, Shireen's brother, and his wife and other members of the Abu Akleh family. Some of her family have been friends of ours for many years, as they work in the Arab Education Institute, a Pax Christi Partner in Bethlehem. The meeting was an incredibly sad one, as we listened to Tony telling us Shireen's story and of the manner of her death.
Shireen was a seasoned correspondent, reporting for over 27 years. She was not one to take risks and always wore her flak jacket and helmet, clearly labelled PRESS. However, as Shireen and her producer walked ahead of a few other journalists into the Camp in Jenin, a barrage of bullets was fired. Shireen was fatally shot in the back of her head; her producer was also shot in the back but has recovered from his wounds. The journalists in the area testified that there was no active gunfire or presence of Palestinian resisters when the shots rang out. There was, however, an IDF truck in firing range with highly trained sharpshooters ready to act.
The IDF immediately denied that they were responsible for the shooting. After investigations by CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Associated Press and B'Tselem conclusively showed that the shots had come from an IDF soldier, they recanted. However, the IDF continue to claim that the shooting was "unintentional."
Not even in death could Shireen receive the respect she rightly had earned, nor could her family find any consolation in honouring her with a dignified funeral. Her brother was summoned to a local Israeli base and told that there were not to be large numbers of people at the funeral nor should any Palestinian flags be in sight. Anyone who has seen a Palestinian funeral knows that this is an impossible demand. The whole community comes out to support the family and to accompany the body to the burial. Shireen was a much loved, public figure and was, and is, mourned by Palestinians all over the world.
We were deeply shocked at the scenes at the funeral in Jerusalem, which we watched live on TV. The family gathered in the French Hospital, where Shireen's body had been taken, and as soon as they came out, accompanying the coffin, pallbearers, family and other mourners were confronted by armed, baton-wielding Israeli soldiers intent on disrupting the funeral procession. At one moment, their violence became so extreme that the casket teetered and almost hit the ground. Tear gas and sound grenades were used both inside and outside the hospital causing family members to seek refuge inside, along with patients, including pregnant women, who were chased through the corridors.
The international community expressed sympathy for the loss of life and "concern" over the soldiers' behaviour. And then they turned away. Once again, no commander, soldier, or government official was held accountable for the death of a Palestinian Journalist.
Audrey Azouley, Director General of UNESCO, stated in response to Shireen's death, 'the killing of a clearly identified press worker in a conflict area is a violation of International law. I call on the relevant authorities to investigate this crime and bring those responsible to justice.' (see here)
To date, no one has been held responsible.
Shireen's family have worked endlessly since her death, calling for justice for her unlawful killing and feel that they have been abandoned by the international community. Our delegation promised them that we would mark the anniversary of Shireen's death and call for accountability and justice.
We have issued a call to prayer and action from our members and supporters which you can see on our Home page here
Ann Farr, Chair, Pax Christi
** a vigil for Shireen will be held outside the Foreign Office in London on Thursday 11 May from 3.30-4.30pm. *