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WCC: Regarding false media reporting on Israel and Dr Pillay

Israeli flags flying at new illegal Beit Ottorot settlement on Mount of Olives, Jerusalem.....  Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Israeli flags flying at new illegal Beit Ottorot settlement on Mount of Olives, Jerusalem..... Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Source: WCC

Since the election in mid-June of Rev Dr Prof Jerry Pillay as new World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary, concerns have been raised, predominantly in Jewish media, about his position on Israel and the Jewish communities and their faith.

The WCC general secretary-elect underscores that under his leadership the WCC will continue to desire and uphold cordial relationships with the Jewish communities.

"I support the Jewish people preserving their identity and practicing their religious beliefs and values. I believe that all religions must be respected and people of all faiths - and no faith - must work together to create a world of justice and peace in which we express love, unity and reconciliation," Pillay says. "This stance has been and continues to be that of the World Council of Churches, and it would never elect a leader who practiced or preached antisemitism in any way, shape or form. The WCC continues to promote and nurture justice and peace, and has consistently raised concerns about issues of justice in Israel and Palestine."

Consequently, the WCC will continue to stand firmly behind United Nations (UN) resolutions on the occupied territories and speak out against all forms of injustice, regardless of where or who they come from.

"Our perspectives are always from the perspective of a Christian witness - a point of view in which human rights, justice and peace are cornerstones. We are a faith-based - not a political - organization and part of a worldwide fellowship confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour," Pillay adds.

Pillay added that he stands behind the WCC policies on the Holy Land, most recently expressed in a public statement by the WCC central committee on 18 June that WCC reiterates a "constant call for an end to the occupation, and for equal human rights for all" in the Holy Land.

See also: ICN 19 June 2022 - WCC reiterates call for end to occupation, equal human rights for all in Holy Land


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