Laudato Si' and Environmental Impact Investing

We wanted to let you know about an upcoming webinar being organised by our friends at the Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative (CIIC) later this week, in case you would be interested in joining. The webinar is entitled 'Laudato Si' & Environmental Impact Investing' and will take place this Thursday 16 June 4-5pm (BST).
It will showcase how Catholic organisations have incorporated Laudato Si' into their impact investing work and will share resources for those interested in starting their own impact investing journeys centered around Pope Francis' encyclical.
Speakers will include Fr Seamus O'Neill (Bursar of St Patrick's Missionary Society (Ireland), Elizabeth Garlow (Co-Founder, Francesco Collaborative) and John Paul Slosar (Senior Vice President, Healthcare Ethics at Ascension).
You can find out more and register here:
Also, an Operation Noah Supporters' Event will be held on Saturday 18 June from 10.30am-12.45pm, entitled 'Alternatives to Fossil Fuelled Violence: Listening to Our Global Neighbours.' This online event will be an opportunity to hear from inspiring speakers, including Svitlana Romanko (Ukrainian climate activist, lawyer, and Coordinator of the Stand with Ukraine campaign), Revd Dr Rachel Mash (Environmental Coordinator of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa) and Bishop Manuel Ernesto (Bishop of Nampula in Mozambique). There will be workshops on fossil fuel divestment, investment in climate solutions, Church land use and more.
James Buchanan is Campaign Director for Bright Now - the campaign for fossil free churches