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Orthodox theologians issue declaration rejecting Moscow Patriarch's teaching

Church in village of Bobryk, Kyiv region after a "special military operation"  Image: @nexta_tv

Church in village of Bobryk, Kyiv region after a "special military operation" Image: @nexta_tv

More than 530 Orthodox theologians from around the world have issued the following letter and declaration strongly rejecting 'Russkii Mir' or (Russian World) ideology currently being promoted by the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow...

Dear Friends,

In the wake of Vladimir Putin's unconscionable and horrendously destructive invasion of Ukraine, Orthodox Christians across the globe must face a difficult question: how can a nation whose majority embraces Orthodox Christianity possibly justify attacking and killing the people of a sibling nation, who almost all share the same faith?

How, at the beginning of Great Lent, when our tradition calls us to forgiveness, fasting, and prayer, can Orthodox Christians unleash violence and bloodshed against their brothers and sisters in Christ?

The painful truth, but one that we need to confront in this time of repentance, is that our own leadership, and specifically, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, has developed and promoted a false teaching known as "Russkii Mir" or "Russian World," providing Mr Putin with the religious "blank cheque" that underwrites his heinous invasion and annexation of Russia's peaceful, democratic neighbours: Ukraine.

During this sacred season, Orthodox Christians throughout the world need to declare in no uncertain terms that the "Russian World" ideology is both false and destructive, feeding violence and bloodshed, causing scandal and division in the Church. Nor can we fool ourselves that this ideology is an exception in the history of Orthodoxy: we must condemn all Orthodox ethno-phyletist ideologies akin to the false teaching of the "Russian world" in every age, nation and culture.

Orthodox scholars and theologians have drafted a powerful Declaration (see link below) concerning the theologically condemnable "Russian World" ideology. We urge you to read this Declaration, sign it, and share it with those around you.

We urge you to pray for repentance for those who propagate this evil teaching, which continues to feed the megalomaniacal ambitions of Vladimir Putin. Pray also for the repentance of every Orthodox Christian, for our own complicity in this evil through silence, obfuscation, and denial.

Only if we confront this evil, which thrives both within and outside us, bowing low in repentance with the simple words of the Canon of St Andrew of Crete-"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!"-can we truly reaffirm our divided, bloodied community as the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, united only by our broken and contrite hearts in the person of Jesus Christ, who alone is with us in adversity.

See the Declaration here: (There is a form at the end if you wish to add your name)

The Coordinators on Behalf of the Drafting Committee
Revd Dr Brandon Gallaher
Dr Pantelis Kalaitzidis


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