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UK/Canada/USA: Online Masses and prayers for the Deaf

  • Jo Siedlecka

Father James Clarke, Chaplain to the Deaf in Salford Diocese

Father James Clarke, Chaplain to the Deaf in Salford Diocese

One of the saddest things about the Covid-19 lockdown has been the closure of our churches. The Mass is still broadcast on radio and television - and many parishes now stream Masses and prayers on-line - but these are very difficult to follow for people with hearing impairment. There are a growing number of parishes that offer signed services online. Here is an up-to-date list of websites in the UK and Ireland (with BSL) and US and Canada (ASL). Please send us details of any we have left out.

UK and Ireland - British Sign Language (BSL)

Salford Diocese - Father James Clarke, Chaplain to the Deaf in Salford Diocese every Sunday live at 11.30am See:

Catholic Deaf Association (CDA) website and CDA Facebook these are the same Masses. Fr Paul Fletcher SJ signs them and they are recorded and then uploaded to the CDA website and CDA Facebook page. These are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Arundel and Brighton Diocese have a signed Mass live every Tuesday at 11.30am. on

Westminster on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11am Fr Keith Stoakes celebrates a signed Mass. See: YouTube channel which is

Belfast Fr Patrick Devlin signs Mass Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 9.55am plus other things during the week. This week there is a novena to St Philemona. His Masses are on Church Services TV

Canada and USA - America Sign Language (ASL)

Detroit - St John's Deaf Center - Fr Mike Depcik - Sunday 11.30am ET Facebook live

Archdiocese of Philadelphia - Fr Sean Loomis - Saturday 5.30pm ET - Facebook live or

Archdiocese of Ottawa, Canada - Fr Matthew Hysell - Saturday 7.30pm ET Facebook live

Archdiocese of Boston - Fr Shawn Carey - Sunday 9.15am ET Livestream Available later at

Los Angeles Holy Angels Deaf Church - Fr Tom Schweitzer and Deacon Tomas Garcia Sunday 11.30am ET (ASL and spoken English) 2.30 pm ET (ASL and Spanish/ Español)

Diocese of Rockford IL - Mgr Glenn Nelson - Sunday 11am ET Facebook live

Weekday Masses/Prayer Livestreamed in American Sign Language

Archdiocese of Boston - Fr Shawn Carey
Mondays 10.30am ET Mass Livestream
Available later at

St John's Deaf Center, Detroit - Fr Mike Depcik - Mondays 11am ET Adoration & Rosary Facebook live

St John's Deaf Center, Detroit - Fr Mike Depcik
Tuesdays 10.30 am ET Mass Facebook live

Archdiocese of Ottawa, Canada - Fr Matthew Hysell
Wednesdays 8.30 pm ET Mass Facebook live

Archdiocese of San Francisco - Fr Paul Zirimenya
Thursdays 12noon PT, 3 ET Mass

Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Fr Christopher Klusman
Fridays 10.30am CT, 11.30am ET Mass (for now)

St John's Deaf Center, Detroit - Fr Mike Depcik Fridays 11am ET Adoration/Rosary Facebook live


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