Poetry: An Invaded Life by Fr Rob Esdaile

Fr Rob Esdaile - photo © Olivia Fabb
An Invaded Life is the title of Fr Rob Esdaile's latest book of poems, just published, which gathers reflections on a rather disparate series of themes, as he explains in the introduction:
"I have long had the custom of writing a reflection for our parish 'Advent Carols and Readings by Candlelight' service each year, trying to tease out what the Christmas feast is really celebrating. Next comes a series of moments from Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide that have caught my eye. What is this Passion thing about - this great surrender, this fruitful dying and new life born of loss?
"At the heart of the book are some poems recording the gradual failing of my dear mother's health over several years and the privilege of accompanying her on that journey. (She died in August.) I hope they might encourage others facing the challenges of aging or of 'parenting the parents.'
"Reflections on my experience of ordained ministry - which I hope might encourage others to consider this path as a joyful calling - lead in turn to some sidelong glances at contemporary life before some final thoughts on 'End Times' and dealing with change."
This is Fr. Rob's fourth book of poetry and is available from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Hampton Court Way, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0LP, priced £7 (including postage and packing).