Eyewitness reports from the Mexican border

For many women fleeing Central America with their children, domestic violence is a contributing reason for their decision to migrate and seek asylum. Photo - Creative Commons.
Source: Kino
Rev Sean Carroll SJ, Executive Director of the Kino Border Initiative which works with migrants from Central America, introduces their newsletter:
Bienvenido! Welcome!
This month, our feature article focuses on the risks of the camino - and at Mexico's southern and northern borders - where criminal elements and corruption threaten migrants at every turn. Central American migrants particularly are subject to troubling rates of crime and human rights violations, and high impunity means perpetrators are not stopped and justice is not served. Kevin's story highlights the vulnerability and uncertainty migrants face as they head north through Mexico, and we are grateful for his testimony.
We also include recent news stories to keep you informed, among them a report about Brophy Prep's monthly immersion trip to spend the day at the KBI volunteering at the comedor, personally encountering the migrants we serve, and learning about migration and the border firsthand. In addition, we provide details about the upcoming Phoenix Dinner; Ignatian Family Advocacy Month (and the related Virtual Teach-In on Migration); the Walking in Mercy Youth Summit; KBI staff trips; and January immersions. And we are excited to welcome our new KBI/Florence Project Legal Fellow, Alex Miller.
As 2019 gets underway and new challenges arise against a shifting immigration landscape, the work remains the same--to accompany the migrants we encounter, to raise awareness about the reality of the border, and to work steadfastly toward a more humane immigration policy. Your support is a pivotal part of living out our mission, and we are thankful for it every day.
Read the latest KBI reports below:
The Dangers of the Journey: www.kinoborderinitiative.org/the-dangers-of-the-journey/
Migrant Stories www.kinoborderinitiative.org/category/migrant-stories/