Season of Creation Resource: 'A Journey Around the World'

September 1st (the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to October 4th (the Feast of St Francis of Assisi), Christians around the world celebrate the Season of Creation.
Catholics are encouraged to organise prayer and practical initiatives to combat the environmental crisis facing our common home. This "time for creation" offers, in the words of Pope Francis, "individual believers and communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation."
The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach in Washington has produced a resource to enrich the journey through the five weeks of the Season of Creation. Each week users will "travel" to a different country to learn about how climate change is impacting the vulnerable communities living there. After you read the story for the week, the Columbans provide three activities: one to learn, one to pray, and one to act.
For more than 30 years, Columban missionaries have been at the forefront of protecting the environment from destructive practices and addressing the urgency of climate change. Columban mission experience of living with the natural world and with communities that have been marginalised and exploited impels Columbans to seek ways to restore right relationships with all of creation.
Columban priest and eco-theologian Fr Sean McDonagh says: "climate change should be a top priority for the Catholic Church if the church really believes that its mission is for the flourishing of the life of the world."
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