Heythrop College final conference: 'Let Him Easter In Us'

Heythrop College
'Let Him Easter In Us' - a three day conference to mark the closure of Heythrop College, University of London, will take place from Thursday 5 - Saturday 7 July 2018.
As Heythrop College draws to a close, after 404 years of life and 48 years in the University of London, its achievements will be celebrated with a series of lectures covering its three disciplines of philosophy, theology and psychology.
Michael Kirwan SJ will open the conference, introducing the title taken from G M Hopkins' The Wreck of the Deutschland.
Other keynote lectures include Philip Endean SJ on 'Ignatius Loyola and the academic life' and Nicholas King SJ on 'Luke - a Jewish Gospel?' Gwen Griffith Dickson will speak on 'Philosophy in the University. Philosophy in the Church', Brendan Callaghan SJ on 'Heythrop and the University', Michael Lacewing on 'A truthful way to live?', and Anna Abram on 'Redeeming the Mystery': Fake News, 'Education for Truth' and Thomas Aquinas'.
Michael Barnes SJ will conclude with '"Reading the Mystery": an Ignatian pilgrimage'.
There will also be a series of short papers presented at the conference on a wide range of topics.
Book for one, two or three days - the cost is £40 per day or £100 for three days, to include all refreshments.
See the full programme and link to booking site here: www.heythrop.ac.uk/events/let-him-easter-us