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Viewpoint: We need a spiritual response to the Syria crisis

As I email you I am listening to the discussions in our Parliament concerning whether Military action might be initiated in Syria. O God help us. Antonia Moffat writes.

Where is the voice from our Spiritual leaders of a deep commitment to prayer, repentance, reparation, fasting and intercession concerning this? We need a SPIRITUAL RESPONSE! Only our Spiritual leaders can initiate this response.

I have thought to send you these thoughts and a Prayer of National Reparation and Repentance based on that of the Prophet Daniel.

We stand on the brink of a terrible mistake as a Nation today, a further mistake on top of myriads of others down the centuries. Millions are suffering and have suffered because of our interference and mistakes in the Middle East.

All is not as it seems in the Middle East. The chaos is such that we do not know who are allies are and who are enemies really are.

There are more than enough bombs reigning down on both Syria and Iraq. Their peoples are living a terrible hell.

And then there are Saudia Arabia, Quatar, Turkey and Iran standing in the wings - do we really know what they are politically up to and what their real designs are?

And finally Russia, America, France and the other allies? What are their true motives?

For too long we have armed groups who we think are less radicalised and yet we really have no idea of their true affiliation.

And then there is the constant condemnation of the Assad Government.

I wonder about a Syria without Assad as I have pondered since the reality of Iraq and Libya without their dictators and regimes which seemed so distasteful to Western Powers? Are things any better?

What might the long term consequences of Military Action be 5 years on?

And now we have Al Queda, ISIS, Daech and so many more such groups mushrooming all over the world. Might not a total arms embargo of the Middle East be a start?

All is not as it seems.

Are world Governments turning to the Prince of Peace to implore for that Peace which the world cannot find or give?
Are world Governments turning to the Prince of Peace to implore the wisdom of God in all this catastrophic mess?

And finally ....

Should we not be Repenting and making Reparation for the sins of the past of Nations and Governments which have led to all this
mayhem, suffering, death and hell on earth for many people?

For now only God can help us.

I offer you a National Prayer of Reparation written by myself, based on the Prayer of Daniel for the sins of our British Nation concerning our meddling down the centuries in the Middle East.

I ask you to pray it you are moved to.

Just may be if we humble ourselves as a Nation, just maybe, the miracle will happen and our Government and Parliament today will not initiate a military bombing campaign of Syria and much more......for who knows what this decision may unleash.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgivetheir sin and will heal their land.

O Lord have Mercy upon us and save us all from Degeneration, Disaster and War....

So let us pray ...

United in Prayer

Antonia Moffat

Prayer of Repentance for the Healing of the Wounds of History in the Middle East based on the Prayer of the Prophet Daniel 9 (prepared by Antonia Moffat)

This is a prayer written on behalf of our British Nation & peoples, for we can only make Repentance for our part in this. It is for other Nations and peoples to make their Repentance and for the Middle Eastern peoples in turn to do their part.

Please stand or kneel.....

Heavenly Father, Lord of History and of all time, we bring before you the complicated, & often tragic history of the Middle East. We cry out to you O Lord - Have Mercy, for the bloodshed, death, injury, grief and violence, suffered by the Middle Eastern peoples for centuries, cries out for justice and for mercy from you dear Father. Millions have perished in senseless wars and conflicts. Millions of refugees are fleeing untold horror in our own times. In this moment we pray solemnly for all who have died, that they may find eternal rest, and that the festering wounds of the need for vengeance and retribution may be healed in the present and future generations. We honour the thousands of Christian Martyrs who have given their lives for Christ and His Church.

Eternal Rest grant unto them oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.

O Lord we cannot begin to fathom what has really gone on in the past, and likewise we are confused in the present, as we daily see, the horrors of the present day "living hell" in both Syria and Iraq and the plight of refugees. For all is not as it seems. There have been so many political games and secret agreements both in the past and now in the present, which we cannot even begin to understand. We Western Nations are often duped by the Media, and this daily, creates more mayhem, and upholds the injustices and lies, which often encircle the Middle East, creating more bloodshed and horror.

Our British Governments and Parliaments and those of many other countries, down the centuries, have interfered in the Middle East and have failed to listen to the voices of reason coming out of the Middle East, nor to their own peoples. Our parliaments Lord have been under oppression to the point that they have become at times almost completely blind and deaf, embroiled in their own political agendas and policies, benefiting only themselves, with little thought to the fall out on other peoples and nations.

Lord, we have sinned as a Nation, we have not prayed and we have not repented of our sins. We have not prayed for our leaders and we have interfered without asking you Lord if this was your will. Lord we have left you out of everything and now we wallow in misery, helplessness & confusion in the face of such catastrophic human suffering and chaos.

Time of sorrowful, prayerful Silence followed by song of Lament - Who can sound the depths of Sorrow in the Father Heart of God (by Graham Kendrick)

And now together We turn to the Lord and Confess... and using this prayer based of the Confession Prayer of the Prophet Daniel we pray & make repentance...

I turned my face to the Lord God begging for time to pray and to plead, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. I pleaded with Yahweh my God and made this confession:

O my Lord, God great and to be feared, you keep the covenant and show faithful love towards those who love you and who observe your commandments: we have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly, we have betrayed your commandments and rulings and turned away from them. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our ancestors and all people of the country.

Saving justice, Lord, is yours; we have only the look of shame we wear today, we, the people of Britain. To us, our Kings, our parliaments and our ancestors, belongs the look of shame, O Yahweh, since we have sinned against you.

Britain has often flouted your Law and turned away, unwilling to listen to your voice. Lord, by all your acts of saving justice, turn away your anger and your fury from Britain, from Iraq, from Syria, from the Holy Land, from all the Middle East, from Jerusalem, your city, your holy mountain, for as a result of our sins and the crimes of our ancestors, Iraq, Syria and all their peoples are suffering a great living hell.

And now, our God, listen to the prayer and pleading of your servants. For your own sake, Lord, let your face smile again on your desolate sanctuaries in Syria, Iraq and so many other places.

Listen, my God, listen to us; open your eyes and look at our plight and at the city that bears your name. Relying not on our upright deeds but on your great mercy, we pour out our plea to you.

Listen, Lord! Forgive, Lord! Hear, Lord, and act! For your own sake, my God, do not delay -- since your city and your people alike bear your name. Have mercy upon Syria and her peoples, have mercy upon Iraq and her peoples, have mercy on all suffering refugees, and forgive us the people of Britain for what was done in our name both past & present which has contributed to the present day horrors in both Syria and Iraq, the Holy Land and in other parts of the Middle East and our world. Amen.

We confess to almighty God and to you, our brothers and sisters, that We have greatly sinned, in our thoughts and in our words, in what We have done and in what We have failed to do: through our fault, through our fault, through our most grievous fault; therefore We ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for us to the Lord our God. Amen.

Oh Merciful Father, we come before you in humble prayer and ask you to reconcile us with your Son Jesus and His Church. Lay before Him our prayer of National Reparation this night and obtain for us the graces of conversion of life, reconciliation with our enemies especially those within our own families & communities. May faith and peace return to our nation and may it once again become a Nation of peoples who have faith in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Our Lady Queen of Peace and of all Nations, pray for us. In Jesus we Trust Amen.


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