Book: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - A brief biography

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - A Brief Biography - By Fr Francesco Napolitano ; Foreword by Fr Bryan Shortall - Columba Press
'After I die, I will do so much more'.
The words of a man who achieved so much in life, yet has influenced the world all the more following his death. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people invoke the name of Padre Pio, patron saint of prayer, hope, and the easing of worries.
This revisited biography follows the saint from humble beginnings in Pietrelcina through his life of profound sacrifice and goodness. It recounts stories of the obstacles he overcame, the people he touched, and the stigmata he bore.
Written by Fr Francesco Napolitano, who knew and worked with Padre Pio, this biography provides an intimate look at the friar who would one day become St Pio of Pietrelcina. Even now, almost fifty years after his death, his life and message continues to inspire the world.
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina is published by The Columba Press priced €14.99/£12.50 (Hardback)