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Holy Shroud of Turin on view in 2015

It has been announced that next year, 2015, there will be an extraordinary showing of the Holy Shroud of Turin, between 19 April and 24 June. The last display took place in 2010. There is no charge to view the 14-foot cloth, which is kept in a climate-controlled case in Turin’s cathedral, but visitors must reserve places in advance. Pope Francis plans to visit the northern Italian city on 21 June to view the Shroud.

Glasgow is the twin city of Turin. Since the Shroud is only exposed on very rare occasions, it has been decided to run a mini-pilgrimage from Glasgow which will be led by Archbishop Tartaglia.

The Archdiocese has reserved a place for Glasgow pilgrims at 5pm on Friday 5 June 2015.  Due to limited numbers of pilgrims allowed into the presence of the shroud at any given slot, it will be important to register interest early.

The Archdiocese can advise on travel arrangements but pilgrims will make their own final arrangements.

If you wish to register an interest please call on 0141 226 5898 or email:

For more information on the Shroud see: 

for visitor information see:


Sisters of the Holy Cross

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