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Catholic Trustees express solidarity with LGBT Russians

In a statement issued today, the Trustees of Catholics for AIDS Prevention and Support say they wish to "express solidarity with all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in Russia, and their families, to mark the opening of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, in Sochi. We oppose recent legislation in Russia, Uganda, Nigeria and elsewhere, which seeks to marginalise, exclude and criminalise minorities on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Such legislation legitimises discrimination and violence, and fuels the HIV epidemic by making prevention, treatment, care and support more difficult. HIV educators and care workers in many countries have been violently targeted emboldened by such legislation.

"All forms of abuse whether verbal, physical, sexual, or structural, are denials of human dignity, and a grave offence before God, in whose image all people are made.

"With the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and Pope Benedict, we call on all Christians to denounce discrimination and condemn attacks against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people, wherever they occur. We express our sorrow and shame for the ways in which some Christians have defended homophobic laws in many countries around the world. We pray for sincere repentance, and ask for forgiveness.

"In the name of Jesus we ask God to bless the people of Russia, to heal us all from the wounds of homophobia and violence, and to strengthen us in love for all our sisters and brothers."

Vincent Manning – Chairperson


Congregation of Jesus

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