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Portrait of Mgr Nicholas Hudson unveiled

Mgr Hudson by Michael Noakes

Mgr Hudson by Michael Noakes

The Annual Reunion of the Friends of the Venerabile took place last Sunday at the Church of St Mary Moorfields, in the City of London, attended by some 60 members. The reunion started with Mass celebrated by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, President of the Friends.

During the meeting which followed, the Cardinal unveiled a portrait of Monsignor Nicholas Hudson, Rector of the Venerable English College from 2004 to 2013. The portrait was painted by celebrated artist Michael Noakes, and was paid for by donations from the Friends. The Cardinal paid tribute to Monsignor Hudson’s work as Rector. Monsignor Hudson is currently embarking on a brief sabbatical as chaplain to a L’Arche community in France prior to taking up his appointment as Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart, Wimbledon. The Cardinal also praised the great contribution made by Jo Barnacle, retiring as Chairman of the Friends after 20 years’ service.

The Friends of the Venerabile were founded in 1985 to support the Venerable English College, Rome with prayers and encouragement. Since their foundation the Friends have donated over £250,000 towards the College and its retreat house at Palazzola.

The English College is the oldest English institution outside England, founded in 1362. It is a seminary training priests for the dioceses of England and Wales. When the College resumes at the start of October it will have some 45 students in residence.

Michael Noakes was born in 1933, and educated at Downside School. He has been President of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and Chairman of the Contemporary Portrait Society. He is a member of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and a Freeman of the City of London. His work in recent years has included acclaimed portraits of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, and members of the Royal Family.


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