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ICN is 13 today!

Independent Catholic News

Independent Catholic News

Independent Catholic News is 13 years old today. Many thanks to all the many people who have encouraged us in this voluntary project - with your messages, prayers, and generous contributions.

When we launched on 4 May 2000, we only published two updates a week, manually writing each one in HTML. We progressed to a Content Management System four years ago (designed by Bondware in Memphis, Tennessee who have been very helpful) and now try to post up news as it happens - sending out the newsletter six days a week.

Our audience is growing each month. In April there were 109,578 unique visitors on the site, who looked at 238,639 pages.

Besides the news there's a Saint of the Day, Sunday Reflection, Listings, Archives, Links pages (with Catechist Resources) a classified ad section and e-mail subscription service.

Our running costs are low, because the site is run from a 'virtual office' . We receive some funding from grants, donations, adverts and the e-mail subscription service, which cover the bills. But as the site grows the costs are also increasing. We are asking for donations, from those who can afford it, (in particular larger groups and organisations) to enable us to improve and develop the project. Later this year I am hoping to be able to offer a paid internship to a young graduate.

Donations can be made on-line through the 'PayPal' service on the home page, or send an e-mail for postal address details. We welcome your comments and advice. Please send news, letters, listings and links to:

Best wishes

Jo, Vickie, Mary, Matt, Ellen



We offer publicity space for Catholic groups/organisations. See our advertising page if you would like more information.

We Need Your Support

ICN aims to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. As our audience increases - so do our costs. We need your help to continue this work.

You can support our journalism by advertising with us or donating to ICN.

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