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Inter-faith campaign wins better health services

An inter-faith community group in East London are celebrating the success of their campaign to improve local health services. After 18 months of battling with Newham General Hospital, TELCO (The East London Community Organisation) have won a number of concessions from the management. A report they presented to the hospital identified a number of problem areas. The hospital has now agreed to make significant changes over the next few months to improve signposting, food quality, ward environment and cleaning. They have also pledged to renovate the entrance. TELCO has more than 10,000 members representing Moslem, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Hindu and Evangelical faith groups. They also have members from housing co-ops and community associations. Their next assembly is on Monday 20 November at 7.30pm at Stratford Town Hall, Newham. For more information, visit their website at:


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